Tree Slaughter and more Painting

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In the coming week, weather permitting, we are going to have another two large trees taken down. Both of them are sick in different ways, so it is a good idea to have them removed before they decide to just lie down on their own accord. So, in preparation, we have taken down a batch of little trees so that the guys with the heavy machinery can easily remove the stumps! They can do it with a grinder in a few minutes whilst it would take me more than a few hours to do each one... and we have quite a few of them!


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Interestingly enough, I settled on just using this great curved wood-saw and the battery powered pruning saw to do all the small tree slaughter. I had thought that I might need to use the mini-chainsaw on a stick... but in the end, the curved saw just sliced easily through the softer wood of the small trees, and the pruning saw was good enough to get to the parts that were too tight to move the larger handsaw.


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So, this is part of the scene of the slaughter.... before they went into the mulcher/shredder. I managed to do quite a bit of them, but there each trunk part was a touch to large for me little machine, and so I have a large pile of the thicker parts ready for the heavy machinery to just swallow up in a single gulp (plus the Christmas tree....). Whilst shredding it all, the eucalyptus in particular gave off quite a fresh smell... although some of it was starting to sting my eyes and lips!


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... which brings us to today's job. The patio section where the wood needs to be painted. I had finished the tops of the wood earlier as they were completely exposed wood... and the sides and bottom could wait until I had more time. First was a pressure hosing to clean off all the grime, followed by a sanding...

My wife helped with the hosing and some of the sanding... but stopped at lunch. Meanwhile, I had to keep going as the plan was to finish the primer before the end of the day. We only have a couple of days to do this before the prediction of thunderstorms! Plus, we still have to teach and work...

Anyway, first time pressure hoser... and it is sort of fun! Especially when you are hosing the stone, and you start to see all the grime just blasted away!


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I'm taking a quick breather now in the late afternoon... half the primer is done, and there is one pole that still needs to be sanded. Oddly enough, my wife just decided to stop whilst leaving that single one not done... sigh. I think she just didn't want to do that one.

After this is all painted, we will be ready to cover the top with shadecloth, or a more permanent "roofing"... or a shadecloth... or a more permanent "roofing"... or a shadecloth... or a more permanent "roofing"... or a shadecloth... or a more permanent "roofing"... or a shadecloth... or a more permanent "roofing"... or a shadecloth... or a more permanent "roofing"... or a shadecloth... or a more permanent "roofing"...

I'm happy to put up a shadecloth... but I'm waiting for my wife to settle on... something...


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I am a Musician (Violinist/Violist) specialising in Early Music living in The Netherlands. I have a background in Mathematics and Physics due to an earlier tertiary level study... and so, I'm still quite interested in Science and Technology related stuff!

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