Just wandering and admiring...

Just wandering and admiring... .jpg


Sometimes, instead of doing the garden work... I will just take the time to wander around the garden... picking up fallen branches and sticks to be later fed into the shredder... looking at various bits to figure out what to tackle next... and what needs urgent attention (grass...). But also, just to look around and admire some of the bits that are taking hold well... and that are working nicely. Of course, there are still large sections that need a good amount of work... but there are also moments of little bits of joy that make it all worthwhile!

At the moment, there are quite a few of the natives that are showing off their blooms and colour... and on this little walk around the block, I thought it would be nice to just savour the colours of these blooms. Little joys that make the rest of the work worthwhile!


Just wandering and admiring... .jpg


We have a few of these ones... producing lots of small white flowers clustered in bunches. They are a great favourite of the bees... and suspect that there are a few that we will need to retrain by tying them upright. When the place was more overgrown, they sort of had to grow at weird angles to be able to get our of the chaos and try and grab some growing room! This particular one is doing quite well... but you can see that it is already being trained a bit!


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The bottle-brushes are lovely in their vibrant red as well.. we have quite a few of these along the fence line, in varying degrees and stages of bloom. When they are like these... they are a beautiful shade of red, but the later turn darker and the fronds will drop off.


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Higher up in some of the gums, we have these lovely white blossoms as well. These little blooms put out the most fragrant smell... the smell that you get in a particular type of native honey, and the smell that first attracted us to this particular house!


Just wandering and admiring... .jpg


Even along the much neglected back side of the house, there are still bottle-brushes making everything look less unkempt!


Just wandering and admiring... .jpg


.. okay, the little tour is over... back to turning, crdboarding, and mulching! I'm slowly making progress on this section. I think that if I have a few weeks of solid (or scattered... ) time on it, the section will be complete and I can move on to the next large section or project. Trouble is, there are so many projects to be completed... and not so many of me to spread around! Thankfully, we do have the rest of our lives to slowly get around everything.... but I wish it was just a lot faster. Sure, we could probably hire someone to do it in a couple of weeks... but there is something quite nice about doing it ourselves, even if it does take significantly longer!

... now what should I do when this section is done? Retaining wall?... dig out stumps?... mulch different areas?... complete the ag-pipe trench?... sigh, so much to do!


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I am a Musician (Violinist/Violist) specialising in Early Music living in The Netherlands. I have a background in Mathematics and Physics due to an earlier tertiary level study... and so, I'm still quite interested in Science and Technology related stuff!

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