Precession of Simulacra

By Jinno | The Flippening | 15 Mar 2022


   I haven't paid too much attention to mainstream media about the coverage of Russia and Ukraine so I'm mostly getting my information from independent journalists and critical thinkers. But let's roll back time to coverage of Hong Kong and the CCP not respecting the agreed upon sovereignty of the nation. That is how a people collectively fights a nation state collectively and coordinated resistance to a social class system that was been implemented to suppress the people, with facial recognition software  and the tracking of people through transit.

  Then the COVID 19 narrative began and the resistance of Hong Kong was forgotten and the world had an endemic virus that ushered in a new era of authoritarianism where a Psyop was so prevalent that it made it seem like Orson Welles radio adaption of H.G Wells book of War of the Worlds; that the American people actually believed the nation was being taken over by Martians was an insignificant narrative. The goal posts were moved, propaganda and the fear state were normalized, restriction and opposition to the basic necessities of life and a right to earn a living were at stake. Nurses and Doctors were promoted as heroes and got city wide standing ovations in the beginning but then the state started systemically collapsing the Health Care System by underpaying the front line workers and thus depriving the system of it's much needed soldiers. Each individual's struggle was their own and if you didn't go along to get along you were banished.

  Then it wasn't enough that you had to wait in line to get your food but that you needed PPE to enter the establishment and whole jobs of sanitizers doormen were created to develop the mentality of a Hypochondriac. Then the passport ID was initiated and no lines were drawn in the sand when the economy was at a stand still because commerce had transferred to online and industries were being closed down left and right because no one was allowed to operate except for those who could comply with the mandates. But one group of people had finally had enough and they had the resources and the knowledge to disrupt supply lines. A great convoy of truckers traveled from the West all the way to Parliament to peaceful protest their concerns and demand that the demonstration would not end until all mandates were receded. What was the response? Police brutality, exodus from the banking system for supporting the movement, a promise to later identify individuals and press charges and identified political dissidents were held without due process. 

  The COVID 19 narrative is completely abandon. Russian President Vladimir Putin launches a full scale invasion into Ukraine inciting fears of escalation into World War III. The reasons for the invasion appear to be: An increase in NATO threats and provocations in recent months, including joint NATO-Ukrainian drills with $200 million airlift of weapons and ammunition to Kiev in January. The US/NATO rejection of Russia's demands for a guarantee that NATO would not offer membership to Ukraine. An increase in fighting in the Donbas region between Ukrainian troops and Russia-backed separatists, leading to the latter asking Russia for military support. The narrative is never that simple with Geopolitics but let's make it simple for simplicity sake let's pretend that there are no nation-states concerning World Wars when one country aggresses against another it is at the behest of the controlling infrastructure. It's a little bit like modern day politics it doesn't matter if you vote for Conservatives or the Liberals whoever is the majority/minority gov't the same agendas will still be pushed forward. You are already apart of the One World Government and if you don't believe me look at the worldwide coordination for the COV-19 narrative no matter where you were in the world the tendrils affected you.

  The international sanctions against Russia has given the world Carte Blanche to stoke the propaganda wheel of hatred for all people of Russian decent by annexing them from the Swift payment system and all ties being cut from the global community. I'm not taking sides please refer back to my belief on nation-states in a World War but think of the Russian nationality as representatives of yourself in the COV-19 narrative. Where was the incited hatred directed before this crisis? What was the end result of the segregation one group against another and even if you didn't buy into that narrative the effects were felt regardless. The financial implications of the current ponzi scheme can no longer be kicked down the road we are in the endgame now. If Russian citizens were left without means to support themselves from their current system, you will find yourself in a similar situation. If the Russian gov't had to offer Website Security Certificates because the sanctions of Silicon Valley have far more reaching effects then nation-states' sanctions for the average citizen's connection to the centralized sites of the world wide web, you too will be funneled into a global ID that will centralize your health care, registration, gov't ID and social credit score. If citizens of Russian decent are ostracized abroad because of their ancestry best believe the social pressures for non-compliance in the future dystopia will apply to you. 

" First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out  because I was not a trade unionist.

 Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out  because I was not a Jew.

 Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me."

 - Martin Niemöller


 I'm glad the Freedom Convey of Canadian Truckers inspired the world to their current awakening but I truly believe that just like Australia was a testing ground for government over-reach with mask mandates and heavy-handed police enforcement so too the Canadian gov't over response to a nationwide supported protest against COV-19 mandates and the effect on Canadian lives was motivated by some Think tank: how far can we push them before we get a reaction? The precedent has been set for defying the state the gov't will invoke Emergencies Measure Act where Police Departments from major cities and UN forces will be called upon to coerce the populace into compliance. I am a sovereign individual and I would've enabled peace treaties with other sovereign individuals and we will all agree to move to a small city like let's say Kenora, Ontario displace the municipal gov't by our sheer numbers and  non-compliance with mandates. We would not enforce ourselves on the community who didn't believe what we believe but would allow for they're support of the mandates as a peaceful co-existence like now. When someone at Tim Horton's refused to serve us because we didn't have a mask we would just occupy the area until they decided to serve us. When the state decided to oppose us by force we would have nodes in each province of other small cities that we retreated to support our way of life. When a Premier of that province said that we were not allowed, we would say; 'We never gave you that authority over us.' The movement would accept privacy donations in Firo and Monero and if the protocol wasn't private by default then the surveillance coin would not be accepted. Migration to the new system of things is not meant to be sustainable for the current population in fact there is a culling of the world through it's normal avenues of War, Pestilence, Famine and Plagues. In response to such things: understand the hardship you will face and come to terms with it, circumstances are easier to endure if we accept the nature that comes with them. Be understanding of people who are angry and frustrated just like you they are being pushed to their breaking point. You will have respite if you ask for it. The dawn will eventually come.

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The Flippening
The Flippening

Raw unfiltered nerve mad lad luddite that enjoys references to the Matrix and authenticity to the core

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