Moon on Pisces. The Devil - 20/12/23



When you are already seeing the exit from the maze as something immediate, comes the last turn, the biggest one, the one that makes you feel like you are going in the opposite direction. These are moments of revalidation in which the commitment to active determination aligned with faith has a special meaning. It is moments like this, in which it is time to persevere in the direction of Being, to look and See the Truth; to understand that Liberation from the most tortious ties is in your hand and goes through tests that are only masquerades, of increasingly evident rudeness. When the light and your disposition allow you to see the truth behind the walls of the labyrinth, behind the decorations, and behind the grotesque marks, even the effects of Mercury's retrograde show all the blessings. They say that The Devil appears at least three times in a single pilgrimage, the last of which almost reaches the object of worship, and always to deceive you with a false and empty idol. Happy and heroic day to accept the fall of the authority references uploaded in

tangles of fallacies accepted by collective neuroses and fears that are in the process of healing. The new, perfectly Saved, is about to be born. Let's go together!


The Devil card is a Major Arcana that is never welcome. But, like Death, it is not a negative card. It simply indicates that there are lessons you have to learn and that is not always a bad thing. Its association with Capricorn suggests that you must take control of the situation at hand, dealing with things in a very pragmatic way.


You must ask yourself what you want and what is stopping you from being successful at something. Excesses, bad habits, friendships that only get in your way, health problems, in short, anything that puts chains on you and prevents you from moving forward in life or in the situation in question. Assume Capricorn characteristics and take control of the situation.


When this card appears in a query, it usually implies a lesson. It has to do with our instincts, therefore, lust, desires, ambitions, material goods and sex. Although it entails all this, The Devil is a card of duality. You must ask yourself what it is you want, because if you give yourself body and soul to pleasures or excesses, nothing good will happen.


The card may indicate that something is holding you back, but you don't really know what it is. You may be committing excesses, you may be sick, or someone may be getting in your way. The fact is, you may not yet have achieved the success you want. The letter has a clear message: Free yourself! Whatever. Put aside bad influences, eliminate bad habits and excesses, in short, get rid of any dead weight that does not allow you to take the next step in the situation at hand.


The Devil is Tarot card number 15 and usually inspires as much fear as the Death card. In numerology, it is equal to 6, the number of the Lovers card. In this card, we can see lovers chained, imprisoned to the material and sensual side of their nature. They have small horns and tails, which indicates that they are increasingly given over to the whims of the devil, that is, they are under the absolute dominion of the material and sensory kingdom.


Ruled by Capricorn, this Major Arcana is represented by a satyr, a mythological being that is half goat, half man. It has to do with lust, desires and surrender to the material world, that is, to our pleasures and instincts. It also symbolizes the famous scapegoat, that is, the act of blaming our mistakes and problems on other things or people to make ourselves feel better. Its wings refer to the bat, another symbol that our excesses can end up depleting our energy. Just like a vampire, the Devil draws us into his domain, a closed cave in the most inaccessible realm of the unconscious. Only our consciousness can break its walls and free us.





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The Ent. Tarot and Astrology

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