Mercury in Aries squeezing on one side and Venus in Pisces softening on the other. Day of extremes. Ups and downs. Virtue lies in balance. The King of Swords - 15/03/24



The true word and at the service of a greater truth fills you with an authority so deep and so incontestable that it makes your mere presence modify the light and the contexts of where you are. You no longer have to worry about who likes or is hindered by your presence - don't hide; there movies if someone gets upset because you can see the dirt that no one sees because it is under the carpet... Above all, knowing that this Year of the Dragon the carpet is blown away and there is no room for ossified hypocrisies. The task is to disidentify from that fight and tune in to an ever-growing truth, which expands the horizons of reality, increasingly blessed by the heights. May it be a beautiful day and weekend, of commitment to communicable truth, in favor of the Greater Good.


The King of Swords means intellectual power and life experience to face the situation at hand or the current moment. When the query indicates that someone is entering your life, it usually represents someone in a position of power and authority, a rigid and sometimes controlling person. But he's not a bad person, he can just be hard to please. If you get its protection, it can help you resolve any situation. If he is not on your side, expect obstacles and opposition to your plans.


Your mind may be in a good place to resolve matters objectively and rationally, or through someone who exercises the role of authority, such as a boss, a family member, or even someone from the field of law or justice. The letter conveys the message that order and rules must be followed in the situation at hand. If it is an emotional situation, remove emotions from the equation and be rational when making decisions.


The King of Swords symbolizes power, intellect and authority. In the letter, we see a man on his throne. His face shows no emotions, he just watches his kingdom carefully. The Sword in the right hand represents the Air signs, and the King can be someone with authority in your life or who will appear in your life or interact with the current situation.


The ring on the left hand is a symbol of Saturn and has to do with power and responsibilities. The butterflies that adorn his throne symbolize transformation, while an angel near his ear guides him. The trees show that there is no wind, that is, the environment is controlled and calm.





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The Ent. Tarot and Astrology

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