Bot Check-in & Daily Forecast Analysis 8.4.24

What's going on Traders,

Well, the market's gone and pulled a fast one on us. I'll be the first to admit, I didn't see this drop below 60k coming. It's like the floor just gave out, and now we're all scrambling to find our footing. But here's the thing - don't expect a quick bounce back above that 60k mark. The market's got a twisted sense of humor, and what goes down fast doesn't always come up as quickly.


Right now, we're facing some serious resistance at the 78.6 Fib level. For those of you who've been sleeping on your technical analysis, that's a key retracement level that often acts as a stubborn barrier. We're going to have to really push to break through it, and it might take a few attempts before we see any real progress. Now is a great time to DCA into BTC...I'm doing it you should too (NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE), I mean it's not a bad idea you gotta admit. Make no mistake Bears are running things for now...just took it back in the middle of our Bull run or should I say crawl?


This is where the real traders and investors separate themselves from the wannabes. It's easy to ride the wave when everything's green, but navigating these choppy waters? That's where you earn your stripes. Keep your eyes on the charts, watch for those volume spikes, and don't let emotions cloud your judgment. Remember, the market's always got another trick up its sleeve, so stay alert and trade smart.

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Cryptocurrency Investor, Trader, Staker, Pooler, Farmer, Miner, and I am only sharing my opinion based on a modified Wyckoff Method and 20 Plus years of trading experience in Stocks, Forex and Crypto.

The Crypto Underground
The Crypto Underground

Welcome to "The Crypto Underground" ⛏️ – your go-to source for exploring the world of cryptocurrencies, daily technical analysis using a modified Wyckoff Method. DISCLAIMER: All of The Crypto Underground Posts are based on my opinions alone and are for informational purposes ONLY. YOU should not take any of this information as guidance or advice for buying or selling any type of cryptocurrency. I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this channel should not be seen as financial advice.

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