Crypto with Kamal - Episode #34 RJ McDowell of REPAR Global Coin

By KHubbard | The Crypto New Jack | 16 May 2023



In the latest edition of Crypto with Kamal, I spoke with RJ McDowell, the founder of the REPAR Global Coin and the Melanin E-commerce platform. Ms. McDowell is an American Armed Forces veteran and IT professional. In the podcast, we discuss the origins of the project and its aim to close the racial wealth gap, minimize the digital divide, and reduce recidivism. 



Check out more from REPAR Global Coin including their the Blackpaper at and more on Instagram at:

REPAR is currently available on the Stellar network with an airdrop slated for Juneteenth 2023.

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The Crypto New Jack
The Crypto New Jack

Haven't been in the game long enough to consider myself a crypto OG, but been around the block enough to combine my academic and professional experience to the blockchain and digital assets industry for what I hope are insightful and valuable opinions for this awesome, ever-growing community!

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