You are what you think!

Think Positive Thoughts For Better Health

Your health, how and what you think and the water within you are inextricably connected. I'm not a doctor nor a naturopath or anything like that but I can say that I know a few things about my health. 'You are what you eat' is often quoted by doctors and I agree. What you ingest can affect not only your body but also your mind and spirit. If you're eating junk food all the time, your body will react. I don't need to go into details on that aspect. Just stand there at the mall and watch people go by and you'll see the effects of junk food all around you. 

Of course, exercise is critical in this equation also. Delving a bit deeper, what you think and how you feel throughout your days plays an equally important part in achieving good health. If you're constantly thinking negative thoughts of any kind, it will bring you down, along with your immune system, possibly exposing you to sickness that manifests itself in a physical way, such as a bad cold or flu or something worse, like mental depression.

Several years ago, I learned that water can be influenced by our thoughts. Even words written on pieces of paper can influence water. This was proven by a Japanese doctor named Masaru Imoto who took photographs of water crystals exposed to certain thoughts and words. What he discovered was amazing.

Like snow flakes, no two water crystals materialize with the same patterns. When exposed to negative thoughts or words, Imoto discovered that the crystals would appear horribly deformed but when exposed to positive thoughts and words, the water crystals formed into beautiful 'snow flakes'. The photo below from my Twitter feed, shows a crystal that formed after it was exposed to the words, 'love and gratitude'.

Water Crystal Exposed To Words 'Love and Gratitude'

Isn't that amazing. It's a beautiful six pointed and perfectly formed flake. Water exposed to negative words such as 'Hitler' and 'hate' would form into horrible, indistinguishable patterns. Imoto had an interesting view that water is conscious and clearly demonstrated that it is influenced by environment, thoughts and emotions.

People who think positively are usually surrounded by and influence other people who think similarly. We all know someone who tends to be happy all the time. This person tends to look better and healthier than most and it's probably because their thoughts and actions are directly affecting the water within their own bodies.

Human beings consist of about 80% water. Some have more while some have less in their bodies. Your thoughts, your actions can change you. When we feel angry, we feel our temperature go up and the heart rate increases, causing stress which we all know is a silent killer. When we feel happy, we are relaxed, our heart rate is normal and everything feels like it's in balance and in tune.

I know it can be hard. We seem to be surrounded by negativity at every turn, a robbery here, a cancer prognosis there, war breaking out. It can be all too consuming and it can be quite difficult to feel good in times like these. The truth is, like any skill, it takes practice.

Once you start practicing and thinking positively, it becomes difficult to stop and that's a good thing. Exercising regularly is proven to lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself. A healthy diet and weight will also affect you in a positive way. Leave notes for yourself, reminding your higher self that you are important and loved. I've even written positive words on a small piece of paper and stuffed it into my wallet. My refrigerator door, while appearing cluttered, is full of positive messages that I see every day, several times each day in fact. I call them my 'fridge buddies'.

Positive notes on refrigerator door

Send out a pleasant message to someone you haven't chatted with in a while or give a call to someone you love, just because it feels good. Paint your walls with bright colors or install some colored LED lights around your home. Get a pet if you don't have one. Their unconditional love will definitely boost your spirits.

Watch a comedy movie instead of a slasher. Invite friends and / or family over to play cards or a board game. Do like I did the other day when I held the door open for the nice lady as I was stepping out the store while she was just heading in. The smile I put on her face was my reward. Go a step further and help someone that needs it. Stuck in the snow? See if you can help.

When you think and act positively, people will want to be around you. It's only natural. To make matters 'worse', smiles are contagious so please, smile a smile and watch peoples' reactions. Chances are, a big smile will come right back at you. That's very positive for the water within you!

Best wishes for the holidays...

Peace and love to everyone!

P.S. Check out my entry in PublishOx's Tectum SoftNotes writing contest, 'Thanks for the SoftNotes, Gramma'. It's a comical take, I know but who knows what the future awaits for us. AND it sure would be nice to win some Etherium, eh?


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Name's Joe and I live in Ontario, Canada. I like writing on a wide variety of topics. I enjoy keeping track of markets, investing and commodities and the crypto sector. Also do some coding for web browsers.

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