World Builder Token Trading Competition on NoleX! Win WRLD and MORE!

By Daniel Goldman | The B.C.U. Times | 11 Aug 2020

Good day everyone. I'm happy to announce that NoleX is running trading competitions for the World Builder token ecosystem. NoleX runs trading competitions semi-regularly in order to support tokens on their platform and make trading more interesting.

World Builder currently has four tokens as part of its ecosystem. It has the WRLD token, which is the economic core of the project, as well as PHC, ACW, and ARC. The first competition is for PHC, and there is a 100M WRLD prize pool! We chose to go with WRLD as the prize so that people could decide what to forge next. The prize pool for the ACW and ARC trading competitions will also be 100M WRLD each. However, the final trading competition for WRLD will have a TRX prize pool (probably around 10,000 TRX, but it will depend on how popular the first few trading competitions are). 

The first trading event is live until August 18, 2020. The next event should follow within a week or two, giving enough time for winners from the first competition to receive their prizes. Here are the prize tiers for the first event.

Prize pool for PHC trading competition

Getting Tokens to Trade

In order to get tokens to trade, you can either buy whatever is on the market already, or you can forge more tokens in the token forge. If you have WRLD already, this option is the best. However, you'll want to register as a smith early. Every ten registered smiths increases the registration price by 100 TRX. The forge process is pretty straight forward. Smiths compete with each other to burn WRLD, in order to create other tokens. 

About PHC

There are a number of resources available where you can learn more about PHC, but here's a brief summary. PHC is a monetization token which is being used to monetize the very concept of public health. It will be used to fund various public health initiatives, and as a medium of exchange for health and medical products and services. We're in the process of networking with other operations to give holders places to use PHC, and expect to have a host of services available within a year. 


I am the founder of World Builder and its ecosystem. I have a financial interest in seeing these projects succeed. As with all forms of cryptoassets, trading, and other related activities, it is suggested that anyone who wishes to take part in this project fully educate themselves on the topic ahead of time. 

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Daniel Goldman
Daniel Goldman

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at

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