A Detailed Explanation of the World Builder Ecosystem

By Daniel Goldman | The B.C.U. Times | 21 Feb 2021

It's been a while since I've written much, but I wanted to give an update on the World Builder Initiative and give more details on the ecosystem. In many ways, the platform is quite elegant, but it can still be a little bit difficult to understand all of the complexities of the token dynamics.


At the core of the ecosystem is WRLD. It's a TRC-10 token with a total created supply of 1 trillion tokens. Not all of these tokens have initially been released into the economy. Instead, various faucet applications are used to let people claim WRLD. This process slowly increases the supply of WRLD available for use. 

In time, we'll be adding an ad servicing system onto https://worldbuilder.fun/ so that as people claim WRLD in the faucets, we also gain extra revenue. This influx of revenue will help give WRLD some additional value. However, the core use of WRLD is to forge our other tokens.

WRLD is not meant to be a currency, which is why it doesn't matter that it has a capped maximum supply. A currency needs to have a supply that can grow with demand, or it'll lead to deflation, and potentially hype-deflation, which is disastrous for a currency. 

The World Builder Ecosystem

The Forge

Instead of a currency, WRLD is a base resource. By temporarily locking WRLD out of circulation, users can forge concept-specific currencies. These currencies are narrower in use than traditional currencies, which are normally accepted for almost all goods and services within an economy. Instead, World Builder relies on currencies that are specific to concepts like public health, research, entertainment, and so on. To give them value, we will be promoting their acceptance by people in exchange for goods and services relating to those concepts. 

Promote Health

For this summary, I'll use Promote.Health as an example. However, Promote.Health and PHC (Promote Health Coin) are just one component of the World Builder ecosystem. Promote.Health is a project which focuses on improving global public health, and PHC is the concept-specific currency which focuses on monetizing the very concept of public health.


In time, PHC will be accepted by a large number of businesses for public health related services, but to jump start the system, it'll be important to create at least one business that accepts it. That's why Pagmaya Wellness Centers is being founded. These wellness centers will act as the initial base of operations for training people on how to improve their own health, and protect the health of others, and will be a place where recipients of PHC can use their currency, without first having to exchange it for another local currency. 

Making Money off World Builder

We're not a traditional crypto project. We're not selling a security where an investor can hope to get rich quickly by rapid increases in token price. We didn't even distribute our token through an ICO. Neither WRLD, nor the current child currencies are meant to be a way to get rich, or even a way to make money directly. These tokens are meant to be used. It is possible that through increased acceptance, just holding these tokens will result in profits, but we do not promote such uses of our products. Instead, there are a few options if you want to improve your financial wellbeing, through engaging with our ecosystem.

Get Training

First, we will be offering numerous training programs in the future, in order to improve skills related to public health and welfare. People who complete these training programs will receive stipends. We want people to be able to improve themselves, and their skills which can help others, and get paid for it. Through this system, we'll be able to provide more than just a basic income, but an extended income where we can help ourselves and others.

Start a Business

If you have a business, or want to start a business, that relates to public health, or the other concepts we're working to monetize, then you can generate revenue in those concept-specific currencies. Through increased acceptance, the purchasing power and price stability of those currencies will improve. 


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. 

Telegram: https://t.me/tworldbuilder
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wrldcoin
Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Daniel Goldman is the founder of the World Builder initiative. Nothing said within this article should be considered investing or trading advice. 


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Daniel Goldman
Daniel Goldman

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at http://danielgoldman.us

The B.C.U. Times
The B.C.U. Times

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