Finally x-dot-com from twitter-dot-com

By Debesh Choudhury | TechFuture | 17 May 2024

The social media company X has finally changed its domain name from twitter-dot-com to x-dot-com

First, Elon removed (killed) the blue bird Twitter logo with an X.

It ran for over a year with its old domain name, twitter-dot-com.

Musk has finally decided to go with the new domain name.

Musk has moved his social media company X to a new domain name, x-dot-com.


Screenshot of my X-profile


Why did Musk take so many months to switch to x-dot-com?

We don't know why switching to the new domain name took so many months.

The domain x-dot-com was reserved for many months.

We suppose it was owned by Elon Musk earlier.

Maybe the domain name x-dot-com was with a third party, and that is why it took so many months to switch to the new domain name, x-dot-com.

Whatever the reason, we will now see x-dot-com as the platform to hold our Twitter accounts.



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Debesh Choudhury

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Cover Image: I created a screenshot from my X-dot-com account.

All other images are either drawn/created/screenshots by myself or credited to the respective artists/sources.

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socialmedia twitter xtwitter x internet

May 18, 2024

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am a solution architect for Digital Identity, Data Privacy, Password & Cybersecurity, Distributed Ledgers, IoT, a researcher & academician of Electronics, Computer Eng. & IT, an Entrepreneur & Tech Blogger.


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