Silvers Stats - Episode 8 (week 9) - Missed a week so lets catch up on the stats

Between flights, travelling, jet lag and catching up on work I managed to miss last weeks post so here I am catching up on the stats.

1. Roller.png


  • Base Mining Power - 11.084 PH/s
  • Bonus Percent - 78.40%
  • Total Power - 20.564 PH/s
  • Estimated RLT earning per day - 0.888
  • BTC balance - 0.00044969

More incremental progress for the most part but (and I'm not sure how much temporary power I'm sitting on) I've cracked 20 PH/S of power. Sounds good but of course everyone else is increasing their power too! So what might make the difference, maybe the end of the season which is just over a month away now. Where I'm at is 31 days to go I've got 22 levels to earn. So by the end of the season I should be able to easily complete it.

However the recent changes in the reward structure of daily/weekly tasks is a bit of a bummer as it reduces the RLT you can earn quite a lot which is a bit annoying!

2. Rising Star.png


  • Total Cards - 2638
  • Unique Cards - 422
  • Base Fans - 67633
  • Base Skill - 124313
  • Base Ego - 108769
  • Production Lesson - 846-1692

Over two weeks there has been a decent bump in cards, fans, skill and ability to earn skill which is good. Starbits pricing has continued to fall to around 0.000015 (or 100k to 1.5 hive) which is not great but maybe there'll be a big bump one day and I'll be ready for it!

3. Splinterlands.png


  • Owned Cards - 1476
  • Owned Power - 79660
  • DEC - 8327.67
  • SPS - 3316.86
  • Vouchers - 39
  • Est. Ac Value - $410.53

Still letting the bot just keep ticking the account over. Power creeping up to almost 80k owned which is great. Account value has crept up too which is nice (though who knows, could dive next week depending on card prices!).


  • Level - 25.71
  • Power - 5.8545 GH/s
  • Block - 0.61314262
  • Est Mining Reward - 0.00044053

Earning potential seems a little down - more people in the pool I guess. Account is still growing and I can currently use Hideout TV after a while where it wasn't serving ads for me so that should help the account grow too!

5. cointiply.jpg


  • Coins - 100,237
  • Est USD - $10.02
  • Est BTC - 0.00042291
  • Withdrawn (coins) - 347302
  • Withdrawn (USD) - 34.73

WooHoo! Finally made it to over 100k coins again - which is a massive...USD10 of value. Slowly growing that balance. Once things have settled down and I get back into a good routine I'll look for a new offer to start to keep those coins growing.

So missed a week, accounts have all grown, each little bit counts. Lets see how long it'll be before I miss another week!

Hope you enjoyed the post and if you want to give a program a go, links are below.


Rollercoin - free 1000 satoshi on signup

Mining Blocks Club - virtual mining game

Betfury - cryptocurrency casino with free staking rewards

StarBets - cryptocurrency casino like BetFury with free staking rewards

Splinterlands - Play2Earn card game

Risingstargame - Free play2Earn idle game

Faucets and Mining

Cryptotab - Earn BTC while you browse

Cointiply - easy tasks, free crypto

FaucetCrypto - easy tasks, free crypto

Larvelfaucet - Login, click, free crypto for you


Biswap - crypto exchange

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