Yield (YLD)

22 Articles 9 Followers

Embrace the future with Algorand. Yieldly, Algorand Governance

4 Jan 2022 8 minute read 2 comments SAGE84

Embrace the future with Algorand. Yieldly, Algorand Governance    Before I talk about the great things he will accomplish today and in the future, I will give you a brief introduction to how Algorand was born. Algorand was awarded by Silvio Micali, P...

Highlights of $AMP Addition AMA for Lending/Borrowing on Yield Credit

11 May 2021 1 minute read 2 comments Mr Paperclip

On May 8th, 2021, $AMP hosted an AMA with Yield Credit to discuss the upcoming integration of $AMP as collateral onto the Yield Credit lending platform.  The Yield Credit team showed up with their lead developer, Coiner_, making a special appearance...

Is the crypto market blind to the token with the greatest potential multipliers I’ve EVER seen?

17 Apr 2021 6 minute read 2 comments jmcadg

 Well, in short, the answer is yes! Obviously, if that wasn’t the case this gem would not be horrendously undervalued. You’d have to dig to find it, but isn’t that the point! Ok, my first clue, it’s in the hottest space in crypto … DeFi. Ok, so what...

60% Of All Loans on Yield Credit use AMPL as Collateral

23 Mar 2021 2 minute read 2 comments Mr Paperclip

Since Yield Credit ($YLD) launched on 8th March, the lending requests continue to pile up on the platform; These are requests from lenders that have put up funds for other borrowers to be able to come and take out loans. The borrowers would deposit...

Top Things You Should Know About Yield (YLD)

15 Mar 2021 8 minute read 67 comments MuyAsk

Hey guys :) I’m back with another comprehensive Q&A piece, this time for a new and innovative  Defi lending platform with incentivized borrowing – Yield (YLD). Yield is a non-custodial P2P lending dapp that not only incentivizes lending (as per usual...

The Case of $AMPL Lending: Benefits & Use Cases

12 Mar 2021 3 minute read 1 comment Chenhuang_defi

Currently, DeFi lending platforms like Aave and Compound offer lending and borrowing of fixed supply assets like $WBTC or inflatable assets like $DAI or $USDC, but no one has introduced elastic supply assets like $AMPL… except for Yield Credit that h...

Taking Your First Loan on Yield Credit

12 Mar 2021 5 minute read 1 comment Mr Paperclip

How to take your first loan on Yield Credit? Glad you asked. In this tutorial I will show you how to request a loan or how to borrow from the list of pending offers. Let's get into it 👇 How To Take Out Your First Loan on Yield Credit To access the p...

Lending Your Funds on Yield Credit 

12 Mar 2021 5 minute read 0 comments Mr Paperclip

How do you start lending on Yield Credit? Glad you asked. In this tutorial, I will show you how to request a loan or how to borrow from the list of pending offers. Let's get into it 👇 How To Start Lending on Yield Credit To access the platform, simp...

DeFi Lending Platforms Comparision Reveals the Most Undervalued One

9 Mar 2021 2 minute read 8 comments Li_KungFu

DeFi is a nascent industry and with that, it moves incredibly fast. So fast, in fact, that 2/3-year-old platforms can become obsolete, creating space for newcomers to innovate upon their ideas. This rule applies to every niche within DeFi and we’re w...

$YLD About to Eat $AAVE's Lunch

25 Feb 2021 3 minute read 6 comments kevW!ls0n

Few realize the amount of idle ERC-20 capital just sitting on the sidelines, watching all the Stablecoins, Ether, Wrapped Bitcoin, and “Blue Chip” alts get utilized in DeFi lending platforms like Aave and Compound.  Sure, these assets have a lot of l...