
13 Articles 0 Followers

Natural Treatment For Iron Deficiency To Recover From Anemia Safely

1 Mar 2024 2 minute read 1 comment Dusty Sparks

Anemia is a common health issue reported in today's busy lifestyle. Iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency and deficiency in folic acid are some among the common causes reported for the formation of anemia. Certain home remedies are found to be very...

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 3 - Food categories

27 Feb 2023 2 minute read 5 comments Heruvim78

    In order to understand how this started, I will probably write a series of blog posts related to nutrition, mental health, and how they are connected. This time I will speak about food categories: We usually have 4 categories of food: fr...

A simple way to defend yourself against multiple viruses (including Covid-19)

26 Jan 2022 5 minute read 16 comments I_g_o_r

A simple way to defend yourself against multiple viruses (including Covid-19) is to increase the concentration of vitamin D in your blood (see [17]). It is well known fact that the most efficient way to reduce chances of being infected and die from v...

Covid19 shield - It is not What you think !

25 Feb 2021 3 minute read 3 comments PeraPeric

They say that our world will be doomed without bees in 4 years. Same may reply to our bodies without our immunity, sooner not later. I introduce you to one life hack that can maybe tomorrow save your life. * without exaggeration Ladies and Gentlemen,...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Global Issues II

6 Jan 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Heruvim78

How do we measure the deficiency level, you may ask? There are few methods, let's see them for each of the main micronutrients that are involved into this: Iron - you check for anaemia, low haemoglobin blood concentration or serum ferritin, but thos...

Vitamin D: How to Treat, Diagnose, and Identify Symptoms.

18 Nov 2020 4 minute read 1 comment twrites

Maintaining a proper Vitamin D level is crucial for your mental, physical, and physiological well-being. Americans across the United States are suffering from a multitude of health issues. More than 53 million adults in the United States have or are...

The Perfect Graphical Astract

11 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cMasta

My friends, I have found it: The perfect graphical abstract. Feast your eyes upon this again: Courtesy of Bonvicini, et al. The article shown above costs £42.50+ to read, but the authors here were such generous genius(es) that they gave us the major...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Minerals bioavailability and food content

4 Nov 2020 2 minute read 2 comments Heruvim78

What is the mineral availability? If you don't know yet, only a part of the total amount of minerals present in food can be available to the body, mainly because the minerals are bound to other compounds in the food that can limit their absorption. I...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - how we discovered the vitamins

1 Nov 2020 2 minute read 2 comments Heruvim78

As i said, vitamins are essential nutritional molecules not made in our body, and they are required in small quantities. If the intake is inadequate, this can lead to vitamin deficiencies.  Our story starts in 1880 when Dr. Kanehiro Takaki reported t...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - What are the vitamins?

31 Oct 2020 2 minute read 1 comment Heruvim78

Let's start with the basics, and build on it. At the beginning you may know some of the informations, but after a while will get a bit more complicated, so, today's post is explaining what are the vitamins.  The vitamins are fat soluble and water sol...