
4 Articles 0 Followers

Afghanistan - A Call to Liberation

2 Oct 2021 2 minute read 0 comments mekhiMKL

The Qur'an is a message of freedom, of equity, of justice. It enjoins us to liberate, to resist, to fight back, to protect and uphold the rights of the oppressed.  As we watch the latest in a series of crises unfold in Afghanistan, we see our own sho...

While the Western world is talking Afghanistan and wondering who's to blame, here's what you're not being told

17 Aug 2021 6 minute read 0 comments Kovichni

Intro 'Would you please think of the women there', said this boy here who supports proven Al-Qaeda linked terror groups in Syria as we speak 'Damn men, you are the cause of the disaster in Afghanistan' shouted the little girl here, who misgendered T...

Time For a Sequel?

17 Aug 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Nathan Payne

One of the reasons I came to Mexico is burn-out.  As a musician, I've been living on the front lines of the socialist "give your work away for free" movement for nearly 20 years.  I sympathize with everyone who's lost their livelihood since the Freed...

Attack on Afghan Ceremony Results in Nearly 30 Deaths

6 Mar 2020 1 minute read 1 comment AverageVancouverite

Unidentified gunmen opened fire upon a ceremony in Kabul, Afghanistan, marking the 25th anniversary of Abdul Ali Mazari's death at the hand of the Taliban group, resulting in nearly 30 deaths and at least 55 injuries. At least a dozen of those injure...