Syscoin (SYS)

115 Articles 9 Followers

Syscoin (SYS) is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that was founded in 2014 by Jag Sidhu, Sebastian Schepis, Dan Wasyluk and Sebastien Dimichele. The platform lists its technical performance, interoperability, security and low fees as the network’s main strengths. 

The team describes the platform as “[bringing] you the tools you need to remove the middleman and take back control of the way you do business.” They have already outlined several possible use cases, like Point of Sale decentralized applications for stores and e-commerce platforms or even the creation of tokens.

BaaS platforms are growing in popularity because of the comprehensive and accessible blockchain development solutions they provide to small and medium businesses, who lack the resources of larger companies and are unable to develop solutions themselves. Most BaaS platforms offers comprehensive, easy to deploy blockchain solutions with minimal effort. 

Other technical features worth noting about Syscoin are the Syscoin Bridge, its masternodes and zero confirmation transactions. Syscoin Bridge enables two-way bridge between Syscoin and other blockchains. The Ethereum blockchain is the first priority here, as it would allow Syscoin to interact with Ethereum’s smart contracts. Syscoin’s masternodes are based on blockchain project Dash’s code. Zero confirmation transactions allow for near real-time transactions. 

The roadmap, last updated in April 2019, shows multiple milestones for 2019, many of which are nearing completion. The most of these is perhaps SYS4 1.0, which would enable smart contract execution. Ledger integration, blockchain swaps, several APIs  and a hybrid permissioned/permissionless layer 2 blockchain are also on the agenda.

Syscoin Announcement: TUSD and other Stablecoins to adopt the SYSCOIN-ETHEREUM BRIDGE!

2 Dec 2020 1 minute read 4 comments drluv

BREAKING NEWS : As has been speculated, stablecoins are now adopting the Syscoin Ethereum bridge and the entire TrustToken family of TrueCurrencies, including TrueUSD (TUSD), has bridged to Sysco...

Syscoin 4.2. - Next Level Masternodes!

15 Nov 2020 2 minute read 14 comments drluv

Syscoin masternodes are crucial to the functioning of the network in a number of ways. Syscoin masternodes provides the backbone for the patent-pending Level 2 Z-Dag Protocol that facilitates almost instant asset transfer, thus enabling scalability a...

Syscoin 4.2: Network Enforced Rules to Facilitate Regulatory Compliance

12 Nov 2020 3 minute read 2 comments drluv

Syscoin long-term development is focused on enterprise-level adoption and therefore, scalability and interoperability are essential keystones for adoption. Syscoin is merge-mined with Bitcoin and based on the latest Bitcoin core which provides for un...

Syscoin-Ethereum Bridge Simplified

6 Sep 2020 3 minute read 0 comments humblebumble

In this article I’ll be giving a very quick overview of the bridge between Ethereum and Syscoin, without too much of the technical stuff, and some of the benefits it brings. What It Does The Syscoin bridge allows anyone to transfer their ERC-20s and...

Syscoin Cloud Mining

31 Aug 2020 1 minute read 7 comments drluv

In POW merge-mining, miners mine for more than one blockchain at the same time. The benefit is that with every hash the miner contributes to the total hash rate of both blockchains, and as a result they are all more secure. Hence, miners builds block...

Syscoin Cloud Mining

30 Aug 2020 1 minute read 4 comments drluv

As Syscoin is merge-mined with BTC. and other projects employing the SHA-256 hashing algorithm, some of the largest mining pools mine Syscoin on the side!  This includes well-known mining pools include F2pool, estimated to mine 17% of all Bitcoin blo...

Syscoin Hashrate and Mining Pools

30 Aug 2020 1 minute read 1 comment drluv

One of the fundamental metrics for evaluating a POW (proof-of-work) blockchain project is looking at its hashrate. Network security is directly related to hashrate (computing power) and the higher it is, the more secure a network is when new blocks a...

Syscoin Has A PoW Earner Created - But You Will Never Guess Where - Bonus Freebie SYS Coins

20 Aug 2020 3 minute read 2 comments XTRM™

Guess who is not going to be earning from any referral or invites on this article? Wow I am nice to you... So I should be nice to you, I am in a good mood this early morning. To boot I found a new toy on the wonderful Internet lands, that I have been...

Peaks and flows - the blowfish tsunami effect

28 Jul 2020 3 minute read 1 comment Heruvim78

I am the wanderer, the journey and the road i left behind. Some things that happened to me in the past few days, shared with you all, automatically, straight for the monkey-mind, the energized train of thought that is unstoppable, imutable and inevit...

How to use Syscoin masternodes to increase your own stash

26 Jul 2020 2 minute read 4 comments Heruvim78

As I was talking about Syscoin, taking the world by storm, and getting pumped after their collaboration with Binance (short story, Binance use Syscoin bridge technology to make their own stable coin BUSD available, cheaper and faster than their ETH b...