
75 Articles 0 Followers

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - F9

16 Sep 2023 13 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Healthy Shopper “conference” room, though often used as a product repository   Trade show weeks have a distinct summer school vibe about them. Roughly once per quarter, Duane, the merchandisers, Corey and maybe one or two other select individu...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - E9

15 Sep 2023 8 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Love your local help, too! Like from the closed down market across town.   They have begun to refer to it as The Curse of the Employee Newsletter. Even as when Valerie took over this job from Barbara, they switched from black and white to full c...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - D9

14 Sep 2023 10 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Their smallest but no less fierce battleground   The hottest take on the streets has it that Karen Hatley is a bitch. This is what virtually all the employees say, particularly those a safe distance removed from her. But Edgar doesn’t believe...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - C9

13 Sep 2023 10 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Healthy Hippie mural in early stages   Christie Marsh is the next to exit, putting in her two weeks’ notice shortly after this incident. Though insisting the timing is coincidental, she does confess to Edgar that even she had never really like...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - A9

12 Sep 2023 7 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

one grocery aisle at one small store   The eleventh column of the new items spreadsheet is an all-purpose, generic remark field, as Teri had titled this, when she created the template. She was only using this cell to make note of the original co...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - A8

10 Sep 2023 10 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

the modern office: clutter as a moat, your desk a fortress   “I’m just used to being an overachiever,” Valerie’s saying to Edgar, “you’re an overachiever, too, I can tell. Have you gotten into trouble even once since you’ve been here?” “Mmmm…not rea...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - L7

10 Sep 2023 7 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

sections 14–16 of the Southside beer empire   The next morning, he’s in the wine aisle at Southside, inspecting a curious development. Though coming down here to figure out whether a couple of items on the latest Benevolence Vineyards invoice...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - K7

8 Sep 2023 16 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Scene from a hearty hipster beer tasting   “Destiny is totally different away from work,” Valerie’s telling him, the afternoon of the beer tasting. “Oh, I’m sure,” he says. This impromptu discussion has cropped up on the back loading dock, on th...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - J7

8 Sep 2023 16 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

The invisible discount fairies were powerless to sprinkle pixie dust on these   “Well, I’m engaged!” Chef Anthony announces with a broad grin, in Edgar’s office just a few days later. “Oh wow. Congratulations! Who is it? Anyone I know?” Anthon...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - I7

6 Sep 2023 14 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

doors 20–22 of Palmyra beer set   Nobody except the two parties involved in that closed door discussion really knows what happened, of course. From the beginning everyone told Edgar that Duane and Arnie had significant history together, so thi...