
75 Articles 0 Followers

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - B11

26 Sep 2023 18 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Office life: a surprising amount of mayhem for such staid looking buildings   One cool aspect about his taking the AP position is that it makes him realize the potential benefits in bouncing people around in various roles. Not just for a perso...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - A11

25 Sep 2023 13 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

approximate view of computer screen with no glasses or contacts   “Well,” Corey sniffles, with a dismissive upward head tilt, “you’re probably our best option at this point.” The thing about a dismissive attitude, though, is that it doesn’t ac...

Microsoft le dice "bye" a Wordpad / Microsoft says "bye" to Wordpad

24 Sep 2023 4 minute read 4 comments marjuanm

Wordpad se despide de nosotros | cortesía de Bleeping computer. Hola que tal a todos, un saludo y gracias por visitar este espacio web.   En 1995 Microsoft revolucionó las interfaces gráficas de los sistemas operativos con el lanzamiento de Windows...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - B10

24 Sep 2023 23 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

among the first health & beauty sections cataloged   One positive ramification from this dustup, though, is that even Vince Brancatto wordlessly, miraculously, begins emailing him every needed addition. He no longer attempts flying by with his...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - A10

23 Sep 2023 9 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

one way street of a grocery aisle   Among the first of many head-scratchers about this meeting is that by virtue of being here, this means that the five of them are not at Arcadia right now. They are seated in the semi-dark, as nobody has both...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - L9

22 Sep 2023 23 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

An empty storefront ripe for some sort of quality business   Corey has always projected this weird dichotomy whereby, long before appointed to such, he tended to act like someone on the inside circle of every discussion, wielding untold power…...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - J9

20 Sep 2023 24 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

workers unknowingly surrounding a soiled conference table   Of course, that which is initially perceived as pretty fuckin funny, it can eventually become a concept which others will eventually wrap their heads around, too. It starts somewhere...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - I9

19 Sep 2023 13 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Sections 10–16 of the Southside beer empire   Prior to that day that Valerie slipped him a beer, Edgar had only tried drinking here on one other occasion. He’s trying his best to take this job seriously, plus this is just not something that peop...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - H9

18 Sep 2023 13 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Should have maybe gone public with a deli salad index fund   Though already having proven himself something of a manic madman, deli merchandiser Pat DiStazio is at least an entertaining one. The question of how long it is before he completely...

"Tales of a Scorched Coffee Pot" - G9

17 Sep 2023 9 minute read 0 comments jasonmcgathey

Healthy Shopper wine section AFTER two significant size reductions   Wholesale changes continue unabated at Palmyra. Then again, this is the nature of the beast pretty much everywhere, which leads Edgar to wondering where this phrase even came f...