5 Articles 0 Followers

The Pros and Cons of Entrepreneurship In New York City

31 May 2024 4 minute read 0 comments

New York may be the city that never sleeps, but even the most seasoned entrepreneurs need sleep from time to time.  The Big Apple’s energy can be quite a lot to handle for many aspiring entrepreneurs, on top of the city’s unique challenges. Still, th...

NYC the place to be

4 Jul 2022 23 minute read 0 comments Nathan Payne

In 2017, I went to New York to see a show an actor friend of mine was putting on, based on my album All The Diamonds You Can Eat.  Not only was the play named after the album, but the plotline followed the jagged narrative he read into it (which is c...

Rotten apples, big worms.

27 Jan 2021 1 minute read 1 comment yungzapatista

// Soundtrack: Iron Galaxy - Cannibal Ox Everyday I walk across 40th Street, through trash heaps, junkie encampments and sidewalks paved in excrement of all kinds. There are portions of the walk that are so desolate it seems like the world just forgo...

Jill Krementz, NYC blackouts & Joe Biden

15 Oct 2020 10 minute read 1 comment Average Jo

I found myself reminiscing about Joe Biden tonight and took myself back to August 14, 2003. This is that story. I'm a nobody. Literally. A shadow of my former self. Thankfully, I can still reflect. I was 33 years old at the time (no shit) and my boss...

Over 5,000 Killed by Covid-19 in USA

2 Apr 2020 1 minute read 0 comments AverageVancouverite

The death toll from the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic in the United States of America has exceeded 5,000 while over 216,000 people are confirmed infected. According to Johns Hopkins University, there were 884 deaths in the last 24 hours. Over 75% of...