Nuls (NULS)

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Nuls (NULS) is a cryptocurrency made by Liesa Huang and Isaac Kim in 2017. It is a decentralized blockchain platform that provides an enterprise-level blockchain infrastructure with a focus on pluggability and customization.

The modular blockchain implements a proof of credit (PoC) consensus mechanism that requires node operators to secure a certain amount of tokens to run a node, similar to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. However, nodes also have a credit rating alongside them which calculates a credit coefficient for each node. This credit coefficient determines the reward received for the node operator.

The Nuls platform is designed with 2 functioning parts to it. The first part is known as the microkernel which acts as the foundation for the entire network to function. This microkernel handles the projects underlying mechanisms for both the main chain and sub-chains. It will allow the user to connect different modules to the blockchain to customize features such as smart contracts, storage, and accounts. Although the main chain blockchain for Nuls uses a PoC consensus mechanism, the entire platform runs all of the decentralized applications on a multi-chain system. This multi-chain system hosts all the applications on subchains and verifies them with the main chain via cross-chain verification. This system allows for each sub-chain to have its own consensus mechanism such as PoS or proof-of-work (PoW).

The other part of the Nuls platform is the functioning modules. These are the plug and play components of the blockchain and is what allows the user to easily customize it to their specification. These functioning modules can easily be swapped out for each other due to their low coupling amongst each other.

Second Half of February 2023 / ENULS Ecosystem DApps are being Integrated

8 Mar 2023 3 minute read 0 comments NULS

NULS Community Briefing   ◢ Topics: Technical Progress SCO Collaboration & Trading Community Governance   ◢ Technical Progress Launched ENULS main net, and optimized it according to the latest community feedback and main net performance. ENULS tec...

BNB Chain Landed on ENULS

6 Mar 2023 1 minute read 3 comments NULS

Nervebridge Connecting BNB Chain and ENULS   In the first episode of “Knowing ENULS”, we introduced a method to swap your stablecoins, mainly USDT / USDC to USDTN / USDCN in ENULS ecosystem. SwapBox is a great tool that meets our stablecoin swap dema...

Knowing ENULS

24 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments NULS

Obtain USDTN and participate in the ENULS DeFi Applications We announced our EVM- compatible layer2 network, ENULS, about 2 weeks ago, following the announcement of the first ENULS ecosystem Twitter Space. A few days after the mainnet activation, we...

NULS officially joins the Hong Kong Blockchain Association

21 Feb 2023 1 minute read 1 comment NULS

It is with great pleasure that we are here to announce that NULS has officially joined the Hong Kong Blockchain Association (HKBA)! Under the current economic circumstances, Hong Kong has advantages in policies. With an international environment and...

First Half of February in 2023 / ENULS Main-net is Now Live

20 Feb 2023 3 minute read 4 comments NULS

NULS Community Briefing   ◢ Topics: Technical Progress SCO Collaboration & Trading Community Governance   ◢ Technical Progress Assisted NTC in releasing Nerve's new mainnet version — v1.23.0. Proceed to deploy and launch the ENULS main network, th...

ENULS Mainnet is Now Live

15 Feb 2023 3 minute read 0 comments NULS

A Layer2 EVM—compatible Network, ENULS is now activated   We’re pleased to announce that the long-awaited ENULS mainnet was officially released on Feb 15th at 10:00 (UTC+8). At present, NULS has launched its ecosystem ignition proposal, which aims to...

Soaring Up with the Launch of ENULS

8 Feb 2023 3 minute read 1 comment NULS

Mainnet Activation in 7 Days / 15th Feb 2023     We are excited to announce that the long-awaited ENULS mainnet will be officially launched on February 15th, 2023. NULS is an open-source public blockchain that has been developed and modified over th...

Second Half of January in 2023 / ENULS Main-net is Launching Shortly

1 Feb 2023 3 minute read 6 comments NULS

NULS Community Briefing   ◢ Topics: Technical Progress SCO Collaboration & Trading Community Governance   ◢ Technical Progress Assisted NTC to process the latest Nerve network data package and transferred the data to nodes. Assisted NTC to optimiz...

First Half of January in 2023 / Build the Future with ENULS

18 Jan 2023 4 minute read 1 comment NULS

NULS Community Briefing   ◢ Topics: Technical Progress SCO Collaboration & Trading Community Governance   ◢ Technical Progress Tested the stability of the ENULS network and optimized it based on the test results. Assisted NTC to solve the block ja...

How to Swap USDT From Multi-chains to NULS Network

12 Jan 2023 3 minute read 2 comments NULS

Today, stablecoins are mostly used for trading, lending, and borrowing crypto assets. They are a crucial facilitator of decentralized finance (DeFi) — financial services performed by applications on a permissionless blockchain. The demand in this ind...