
38 Articles 0 Followers

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 6 - Micronutrients and DNA

12 Mar 2023 2 minute read 1 comment Heruvim78

  Let's delve a bit into our body biochemistry and DNA activity, once more. Our body is transferring methyl groups to our DNA, this being a vital action meant to regulate gene expression, billion times every second. Let me explain this phrase, as und...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Food supplementation and fortification ( The End )

25 Jan 2021 4 minute read 2 comments Heruvim78

  Hello again, today i will write a bit about how to improve the food content and its nutritional value. You may have heard about futuristic methods like biofortification - crops breeded to improve their nutritional value (completely different than g...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - The infection cycle

19 Jan 2021 2 minute read 3 comments Heruvim78

I do not know how much good i do with all my specialized posts. I try to make the information accessible, and i would really like to find out if you used any the information from my posts related to vitamins, minerals or any other health related stuf...

Micronutrients and malnutrition: The miracle of birth - pregnancy, breastfeeding, infant and young child feeding

16 Jan 2021 3 minute read 3 comments Heruvim78

  This is a complicated subject, and i will try to keep it short and clear, if it is possible. But there are many important things to underline, so, let's get it started. During pregnancy the demand for micronutrients increases with 20-50%, but the e...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - The real issue

14 Jan 2021 2 minute read 2 comments Heruvim78

  Malnutrition is a complex problem, and there are many sciences involved in the war against it: medicine, agriculture, biology, sociology, education and economy, to name just a few.  The immediate causes are dietary intake, disease or both. Diet is...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Global Issues II

6 Jan 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Heruvim78

How do we measure the deficiency level, you may ask? There are few methods, let's see them for each of the main micronutrients that are involved into this: Iron - you check for anaemia, low haemoglobin blood concentration or serum ferritin, but thos...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Global issues

25 Dec 2020 2 minute read 7 comments Heruvim78

The most often deficiencies are the ones of vitamin A, iron, zinc and iodine. There are two main problems with the malnutrition. First, being malnourished increase the infection risk, and infections will destroy the micronutrients balance further. Se...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - B complex vitamins

23 Dec 2020 2 minute read 5 comments Heruvim78

We are getting close, slowly slowly, to the end of our series. But, until then, i will continue with the rest of the B vitamins.  Vitamin B6 - It is a coenzyme for 65+ enzymes. mostly involved in the aminoacid metabolism, but also in glycogen breakdo...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Vitamin B complex

19 Dec 2020 2 minute read 2 comments Heruvim78

After writing about folates and vitamin B12, we have 6 more important vitamins to describe ( Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, B6 and Biotin). Most of their roles are related to metabolism, especially energy-producing pathways.  Thiamin...

Micronutrients and malnutrition - Vitamin B12 deficiency and toxicity

15 Dec 2020 1 minute read 5 comments Heruvim78

There are several cases for vitamin B12 deficiency, but the most common cause is malabsorption. Older adults with atrophic gastritis, people with stomach and small intestine disorders (coeliacs and Crohn's disease) and people who had gastrointestinal...