Go Full Crypto

20 Articles 0 Followers

Starving Writers Need to Eat Too (and this One's Esuriant in the Manner of the Lycanthrope)

28 Aug 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

For as long as I can recall (probably ever since I was a teenager), I've seemed to spend most of my day hungry (probably because I've got this sick thing where I view food as a reward rather than a necessity, coupled with a harsh self-criticism where...

Hustling for Crypto is not an Easy Way to Make Money (The Dream Deferred)

14 Jul 2021 1 minute read 2 comments Great White Snark

I've been blogging on Publish0x for nearly a month. In that time, I've made just over $5.00 USD in AMPL and $FARM. Although earning crypto for my content (as opposed to having it on sites like Fartloaf and Tumblr, where I earn nothing) is certainly g...

I Came Down to Wish Me an Unhappy Birthday AKA Christopher Borken (A Rant in A Minor)

1 Jul 2021 4 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

I will be the one to make you crawl,So I came down to wish you an unhappy birthday. Someone call the ambulance;There's gonna be an accident!⸺ Hewitt, Olsdal & Molko/Placebo; "Infra-Red"; Meds (2006) I can't accept gifts bought with fiat; there's s...

We all bought into consumer capitalism, but we're doing our best to get out of (and away from) it. If you're one of us, get on the bus.

1 Jul 2021 5 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

Makin' the most of the ride before we get arrested,We're all wasted,And we're not going home tonight! Covered in black, we lack the social graces.Just like an animal, we crawl out of our cages.They can't tame us,So if you're one of us, get on the bu...

The grand old Duke of Snark, He had 10 000 men

29 Jun 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

The Grand old Duke of Snark,He had 10 000 men.He marched them upTo the top of the hillAnd he marched them down again. Right, well, I've finally got my money from the bank (and not a moment too soon, too; a day later and I would have filed a complaint...

Is it Too Late to Invest in Bitcoin?

26 Oct 2020 4 minute read 8 comments Keegan Francis

This is a question that people have been asking themselves, since the beginning of the crypto revolution. Is it too late to invest in Bitcoin? I will come right out and say it, just so you know my opinion while reading the rest of the article. No, it...

Discussion on the Bitcoin Lightning Network with Billy Garrison

6 Oct 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Keegan Francis

This is the second part of the two part episode with Billy Garrison (@Billy_BTC). The first part of the interview can be found on Publish0x, as Go Full Crypto makes a blog post for each and every one of our episodes. In this part of the interview, Bi...

Discussions on Bitcoin with Billy Garrison

30 Sep 2020 3 minute read 0 comments Keegan Francis

Episode 18 of the Go Full Crypto podcast features Billy Garrison as a guest. Billy is most active within the Bitcoin community on Twitter. His twitter handle is @Billy_BTC. Having Billy on was a real pleasure, as we got to dive deep into the world of...

QuadrigaCX: The Infamous Canadian Cryptocurrency Ponzi Scheme

28 Sep 2020 3 minute read 6 comments Keegan Francis

There is a lot to unpack in the story of QuadrigaCX. There are several good lessons to learn from this event, even if you were impacted directly. If you don't already know the story of Quadriga, it goes like this. QuadrigaCX was a popular Canadian cr...

Bitcoin Beach; El Zonte

22 Sep 2020 2 minute read 4 comments Keegan Francis

Have you heard of the Bitcoin Beach? It is a small community in El Salvador that has built a micro economy entirely using Bitcoin. This is a pretty neat experiment that has turned into a complete bitcoin success story. Michael Peterson is the Directo...