Ethereum news

100 Articles 2 Followers

Cryptocurrency Price Market Up By 3.27% As BTC, LTC, ETH, BAT, BCH etc Takes Back Control

18 May 2020 1 minute read 4 comments Dominus1

It a brand new day, new week and I am pumped up as usual to bring to you the latest price updates of your favourite cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency market value is up after depreciating slightly over the last 48 hours. In the last 24 hours the cr...

Cryptocurrency Markets On Upward Movement As BTC Reach $9,500

17 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Dominus1

The cryptocurrency market has been a little shaky as it tries to steer it way forward. Over the last 24 hours,  BTC for now stands over $9,500 as it targets back to reach $10,000. If you would trade your BTC for cash or Uther currency, then wait for...

Cryptocurrency Market Is Down By 1.74% As BTC, ETH, LTC, BAT, BCH etc Remains Unstable

16 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Dominus1

New day, new beginning as cryptocurrency market prices remain unstable over the last 24 hours. Most assets especially the big ones like BTC, BCH, Eth and LTC had some falls in price values which affected the rest of the tokens which mostly rely on th...

Cryptocurrency Market Up By 1.5 As BTC, BAT, Eth, LTC etc Tried To Maintain Their Values

15 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Dominus1

Less than 24 hours ago, the cryptocurrency market moved upwards to over 9 percent in value but it has struggled to follow that upward trend of moving forward even though the market had a positive effect. This is as a result of some digital assets st...

NEW MOON: BTC, ETH, LTC, BAT On The Rise As Crypto Market Moves Over 9.62%

14 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Dominus1

Data Analysis shows that the cryptocurrency market is on the rise after  Bitcoin halving. For now, digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, BAT, Bitcoin Cash, etc are on the rise. The only reason to give for the rise of these assets is the re...

Reddit Launches It Own Cryptocurrency. Read How You Can Earn And Use It On Reddit

14 May 2020 1 minute read 2 comments Dominus1

Finally social media website Reddit has launched it own cryptocurrency built on the Ethereum Blockchain. Available Cryptocurrencies are Red MOONS and BRICKS. What Are Community Points? community points are points given to redditors by their favourit...

Vitalik Buterin Sheds Light on ETH 2.0 Launch Time Frame

13 May 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Abhimanyu Krishnan

Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin made the headlines on May 12 when he seemed to have confirmed that Ethereum would introduce one part of its multi-phase upgrade in July. However, Buterin has clarified that he had misheard the question that w...

Cryptocurrency Price Markets Moves Up 2.15% After BTC Halving. Are we Going To See Price Hikes?

13 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Dominus1

Finally, the BTC halving has been successfully completed with BTC block mine halved or divivided into two. Previously a block mine was 12.5% but after the halving, BTC block mine is 6.25%. That is mining BTC and earning from it has become more diffic...

Ethereum catch a perfect uptrend....... are you bullish or bearish?

6 May 2020 2 minute read 2 comments Cryptonite

  Hello again cryptolovers this post is because Ethereum (the second largest crypto on the market and the 1st altcoin as capitalization) has made a lot of signals that we could try to read and hope to use as future inspiration for catch a breakout on...

Cryptocurrency News Cast For May 1st 2020 ?

2 May 2020 3 minute read 1 comment One Stop

📮 01-05-2020 📈MarketCap:                  $246  B 📊24h Mcap %:                  2.25% ⚠️Bitcoin Dom:                 65.30% 📌Active Coins:                 3,043 📍24h Vol %:                     -61.80% 💲24h Vol:                         $167 B  ...