Comic Strip

2 Articles 0 Followers

Flower Shop " i " #2

6 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments HamondStrabwary

Here's another issue of " i ". This Comic Strip project was done in Mixed Media; pencil, pen, marker, highlighter, and digital.   As you can see from the “Flower Shop” sign, I decided to give the little eyeballs jobs. I know money hasn’t visibly cha...

Ping Pong " i " #1

18 Jun 2023 1 minute read 0 comments HamondStrabwary

   As I sat in front of my laptop, trying not to melt in this insane heat wave, I had a thought for an interesting project. A Comic Strip. But of what subject? And drawing people characters just gave me the “Heebie - Jeebies”, for drawing people isn’...