Flower Shop " i " #2

Here's another issue of " i ". This Comic Strip project was done in Mixed Media; pencil, pen, marker, highlighter, and digital. 


 As you can see from the “Flower Shop” sign, I decided to give the little eyeballs jobs. I know money hasn’t visibly changed “hands” in this story. For simplicity, I think I will leave that detail to our imagination. Like were does a giant eyeball even carry a wallet? How they even hold things? Telekinesis? Why not? It is a planet of giant talking eyeballs after all.

Also, I named my first two characters, Miles and Edith. In this story we see Miles getting a flower from Edith’s shop. After they exchange a few things between each other, Miles leaves and Edith starts to think of a couple of emoji crush hearts. Is he in the frame of mind to catch on what Edith is thinking? What would the birthday girl think of this crush? Once I figure that out, I’ll tell ya. LOL



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HamondStrabwary Art
HamondStrabwary Art

Sharing my mixed media art and writing about various things connected to each piece.

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