Central Bank

127 Articles 1 Followers

Christine Lagard Signals New Central Bank War on Crypto

16 Jan 2021 8 minute read 0 comments IRUUR1

PEOPLE'S PLAN - The global central banks run the global economy. It is a dependency economy, producing a slave society, dependent on central bank debt for survival, and this new system is almost complete. Crypto currencies though small in capitaliza...

JPMorgan Predicting a $146K Bitcoin is Not Big News

6 Jan 2021 2 minute read 4 comments Dr. Stetson Windsor, Chairperson of Jurisprudence

All over Youtube there are these fucking shills repeating the "news" of JPMorgan predicting a $146,000 BTC. I'm so tired of these fucking Johnny Noobs. They know nothing about this space, yet somehow they are able to influence hundreds of thousands o...

Banks Can Use Stablecoins

5 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Dr. Stetson Windsor, Chairperson of Jurisprudence

As much as I don't care about banks, US regulators have now cleared US banks to use stablecoins. This does help to legitimize the idea of bitcoin and crypto in the minds of idiots, so we can fully expect retail FOMO to help push the prices of our bag...

Jaime Dimon Lies to Control Crypto

2 Dec 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Dr. Stetson Windsor, Chairperson of Jurisprudence

The credibly alleged crook and liar Jaime Dimon tried to deploy his JP Morgan minions to control the market for bitcoin. The traditional finance giant used its media connections to distribute its report imply that bitcoin will drop to untenable level...


27 Nov 2020 16 minute read 8 comments SirGerardThe1st

Engaged in the frenzy of the crypto-sphere, obsessively looking at the DeFi ecosystem, trying to participate in all the airdrops, faucets, giveaways and contests that flood our lives every day, (and thanks to which we feed our avant-garde energy and...

Decentralization Is PROBABLY Not The "End-All Be-All" of Crypto. Listen To My Reasoning Before You Kill Me.

26 Nov 2020 8 minute read 22 comments SkinnerCrypto

Hey there! So, I have been doing some  SUPER SERIOUS thinking about a couple things very much related to the heart of crypto, and I thought I would field them here. Of course, being a dry asshole never really made any technical information interestin...

Central Banks: CBDCs May Displace Tether

13 Nov 2020 1 minute read 2 comments CryptoBrowser

The Heads Of The EU, US And UK Central Banks Are Optimistic About CBDCs, But Launching Them Could Take Between Two And Four Years The heads of the European Central Bank (ECB), the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the U.K.’s central bank announced that they...

Why Celsius Will Kill Crypto

12 Nov 2020 2 minute read 1 comment Dr. Stetson Windsor, Chairperson of Jurisprudence

You guys are suckers for centralization, aren't you? I wonder where the crypto crowd of 2016 is now — you know, the ones who actually had a philosophy of bettering humanity through financial decentralization and sovereignty. Did they all cash out and...

Adults certify the vote: MSM pretends Biden president-elect

9 Nov 2020 2 minute read 0 comments IRUUR1

The parabolic control freak idiots of the press are hoping the the People are so childish as to not realize the vote, fought and died for, is so dear to the People, that each state has enacted legal certification standards, that must be met, to avoid...

4 Million Transactions so Far in Digital Yuan

2 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments The Very Confused Martin Babalor

The development of National Digital Currencies is running fast. Yi Gang, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said a pilot program on the development of a digital currency issued by China's Central Bank in four cities has been working fine. There...