Black Week! Earn free Bitcoins! For a limited time!

By OvermindSB | SwissBorg | 28 Nov 2020

As you know i am offering the half of my reward ticket from the Swissborg Reward Program. I have now listed down proofs and linked them to comments of my earlier posts to give you a proof that i am paying the promised half. Please take time to read that promotion once again and consider to join me, thank you!

How it works?

Swissborg gives everyone who register to the wealth app and deposit 50 € a reward ticket with a random value ranging from 1 to 100 € in BTC. 

But only, if you use my links and follow the described steps below. If you do so: 

I give you 75% of my reward ticket for free!


All you need to do is this: 

  • 1. Download the Swissborg Wealth App (mandatory)
  • 2. Deposit 50 €, deposits on Swissborg are free so you can withdraw them later. (Withdraw costs about 1 €, with the earning from the reward you'll gonna make either a plus or a break even) (mandatory)

Note: If you only download the Wealth app you only get 10% of the 50 %

  • 3. Download the Swissborg Community App (mandatory)
  • 4. Apply the Code: OA62FUI (mandatory)
  • 5. Contact me via Discord(Overmind#0055), Telegram (@SwissborgSwarm) or mail ([email protected]) (preferred) to get your BTCs! (mandatory)

Have fun earning free BTC!

Do not miss the chance to get up to 175 € in BTC for free!


This promotion end on the 5-12-2020 17:30 CET


I Paid every participant: Check in the comment section of these posts for a proof of my payment to them:

Proof 1

Proof 2

Proof 3

Proof 4

Proof 5

Thank you for participating! 

Note: I pay in any currency you like :). And the withdrawal fee from Swissborg Wealth App to your wallet are free of fees. I pay them.  Happy free Crypto earning!




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Cryptoanalyst, Crypto enthusiats, Airdrop hunter, Analyst, P2P lending, working on becoming an investor. PhD in chemistry, IT validation specialist



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