
I think I found out where Batman lives

I'm in the process of looking for somewhere new to live and on my travels I came across this place.

Picture No. 63


In the first few pictures it looks like a quite a tiny city home but then expands rather Tardis like (that's a Dr Who reference for all you non-geeks out there) into something your rich reclusive megalomaniac would have. Namely -

Picture No. 27

Picture No. 15

Picture No. 14

Not that this is within my purchasing budget ......well not yet anyway. Maybe after this bull run ...... cough :D. The odd thing is I used to live in this neighborhood when I was a teen. Only the street I lived on was more the opposite end of the scale as it was known as The Notting Hill Pharmacy and had a permanent police presence.

So yeah what's the Batman thing? Errr this -

Picture No. 62

I mean wtf.

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Jack of all trades master of nine. Lived in many countries. European.

Sugarfix-the funny side of life
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