
The Crypto-Faucet Trap

By Satan19 | Stunning Research | 7 Sep 2020

If you are aware of cryptocurrency you might have used faucet for once or have heard of it regularly, and see the referrals link everywhere(from blog posts to advertisement).


What is a Crypto-Faucet?

A website/app which gives away free bitcoins or another cryptocurrency to any IP address that connects to them. Faucets originated as a means to increase awareness and interest in cryptocurrencies, in exchange of solving captcha, viewing ads or performing some pre-determined tasks.

As the cryptocurrencies price have skyrocketed, earnings in faucets have been dropped to pennies, as the payouts have settled itself in few satoshi if you are to work for hours.

There are few apps and websites giving away cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, bitcoin cash, LTC, DASH, ZEC etc. but if you closely see to the amount earned versus time you invest in them, you are being fooled.

The Trap:

You have to work for weeks to get few cents not even a dollar, does it really paid up the time you invested in it? Before involving in faucets you should critically think about the value of your time. Working for months and realizing in the end that you were wasting time wouldn't feel so great.

You will end up viewing hours of ads and solving hours of captcha to realize you have little to no money in real life, while the faucet sites will make thousands of dollars in the process. You will have few satoshi's of different cryptos in your wallet, you could not even exchange to one currency and swap to what you like because of high gas fee and the low amount you hold.

So, my suggestion is don't waste your time in faucets to make other's rich and end up almost empty-handed after wasting almost a month.

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