A Look at Defi On Tron and Yield Farming

Defi is on Tron and it works. I made this video to show you how I am using Tron Defi to make some money. It is working well enough I plan to move more of my funds into TRX. This video goes over JustSwap, and the major yield farms running now. Also shows you a few other new yield farms that are up. I haven't tried them all so use any of them at your own risk. Yield farming gives big returns but it can also lead to loss of all your funds. If someone can hack the smart contact.

The Video is a little long but there was a lot to go over. Let me know if you want me to go more into one of the projects. If I get good responses to this video I will do more stuff on Tron Defi. The links below are referrals for other sites you can earn some crypto on for free.


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I am crypto fan. I post on Hive and Steem and now I am also here.

SteverR82 Blockchain Games and Projects
SteverR82 Blockchain Games and Projects

I am a fan of Blockchain Games as they allow users to own the items. As the projects grow some of them are going to let items be moved from one game to another. It is setting the stage for finding a great weapon that can move with you from game to game. Or finding an item that will pay for you to start up in a new game. I am also a fan of any Blockchain Project that is looking to take power away from centralized platforms that take advantage of their customers. Like Celsius and Crypto.com

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