Weekly Rambling #57

By SouthernStar71 | SouthernStar71 | 18 Jan 2025

Hello everyone.

A bit late writing today. I woke up later than normal and I had to get presentable in case I had company. I had texted the lady who cuts my hair as she volunteered her man to get the items upstairs to finish off the Rack I'm doing in the living room. I brought up one shelf myself. Doing so taught me that it isn't safe for me to do that. Therefore, I swallowed my pride and asked for help. With the balance issues I have it is difficult for me to do stairs. It is even harder when I carry something. I use my hands to help me feel secure going up or down the stairs. Two large and heavy "shelves" and a 100 Gallon(387 liters) stock tank are what remains to be brought up. One shelf will go on top and one on the bottom. The top will be storage and an air pump or two. The middle shelf will be 3 10 Gallon tanks and 2 20 Long tanks. The bottom will be the stock tank. Hopefully, I can be successful with shrimp, rice fish and pygmy cories. Not yet sure what is going where, but once the Rack is setup, it should help me make a final decision. I'm thinking bare bottom tanks.

I ordered a couple of Mould King sets. I like the way the MEGA set looked but didn't care for the lack of ease of assembly on those. The MK sets should arrive today. Hopefully they assemble more like Lego do. I ordered a plane and a helicopter. The plane is what I plan to assemble first. I do have plenty of Lego sets to build. I need to figure out how to stream the building of the sets. It is easy for me to upload a video of the finished set to YouTube.

Going to have the LEC on the 2nd monitor as it starts today. Afterwards the LTA North and South should have pairings drawn for the tournament they are doing for their 1st split. It will be interesting to "watch" some League today. I do plan to watch the LTA North starting next week. Staring next week with the LTA North starting their tournament, I should be uploading recap videos to YT.

BTC being at or near $100K is really nice. Hopefully it sticks there instead of going back near $90K. $90K is still good but $100K is obviously better. I don't even have 1/4 of a coin, but it is the largest monetary holding in crypto that I have. I have a bit of ADA and ENJ. Both of those could improve quite a bit. I'm playing Rising Star/Prospectors/Rollercoin. Those three game don't require much time and I enjoy the mini-games on Rollercoin.

Hope you enjoyed my rambling. Have a good weekend.

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I ramble weekly about things.


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