By Music Light | Sound Of Crypto | 8 Oct 2020

Sublimation... Find The Rose Has Connected With Us.

A duo, with HipHop and R&B at the core of their music, these guys come from musical backgrounds and have a love for different sounds. Their ear for music allows them to know the right notes that blend perfectly with their vocals, harmonies and beats.

Even when you do some spoken word or rap, these principles still apply.


With a tranquil, slow rhythmic intro and keyboard notes whilst electric guitar strings are playing in the background continuously, mellow vocals come alive by Ebony Rose on the track 'Blue Sky'.

R&B drum beats progress throughout and this is the song to have on a 'Work From Home' playlist. Find The Rose and Eboney Rose collaborate well on this track.


'Don't Settle' is the next track. Without getting to know this song yet, already it tells me to not give up. To keep on going and take each day as it comes during this worldwide pandemic and to do your best too keep positive all the time.

Whether these meanings relate to the lyrics, we'll see but Ebony is back once again with her mellow voice. Find The Rose, P.C.K. & Ebony Rose come with a track all about sole searching. You see how a song title can be misleading lol.

You think it means one thing but when you listen to it, it has a meaning of it's own. Did you like this song?


'Runaway'... It's been a while since we've had a song with that title. Can you name another? Electro rhythms and auto-tuned vocals, with slow HipHop beats throughout, gradually elevate the chorus parts. Slow paced rapping and each lyric sounding like it has real meaning to it; this is a song to add to your playlists.

Find The Rose and CJ bring you this track and 'Superstar'.


This is a light-hearted HipHop song with potential. The production is well done with careful buildup, after which it fully goes off during the chorus each time.

The melody, vocal and rap delivery is good. Not their best track but overall a very good selection of songs.


These are the tracks but my favourite is 'Blue Sky' and lets not forget 'April Showers'. That's another of their songs not part of Sublimation, which is out now.

Check out Find The Rose's Facebook and Instagram.


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Sound Of Crypto
Sound Of Crypto

I like to discover artists who are just as independent as blockhain, a bit of musical novelty to motivate themselves on their investments.

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