The world of NFTs

Your Ultimate Guide to the World of NFTs! Chapter 9. Alien Worlds! A Let’s Simplify Things! Posts Series

By DrYunani | Simplify | 15 Jan 2021


A warm welcome to another Let’s Simplify Things! post!

In this series of posts about NFTs I’m attempting to provide you all the information you need to enter the wonderful world of NFTs.

If you have missed the previous chapters you can find the links at the end of the post, I strongly suggest you go and read them!




Alien Worlds.




Welcome to one of the first NFT DeFi projects!

A project brought to us by aliens that reside somewhere in Switzerland!

To simplify it Alien Worlds is one of the first projects to offer monetisation of a game.


It is year 2055, the human race is battling the raging pandemics on Earth!

The “Federation”, which is the most advanced bitcoin mining community, notices a pattern in its algorithmic solutions. 

An advanced Alien race was sending messages through bitcoin mining
algorithms, and the messages led to a big discovery.

A wormhole that allows humans to travel to far flung exoPlanets.

And thus the human race is saved….


While traveling the “Federation” discovered Trilium. 

Trilium is the Alien Worlds currency and can be found both in the Ethereum and WAX blockchains!

It is also found in the decentralised exchange Alcor.

As always all the necessary links are available for you convenience at the end of the post!


So far 6 planets have been discovered and it is where the various land plots are located.


Land plots are the most important asset one can own.

 It is there where one can mine Trilium as well as NFTs and if you own one you can also get a commission when someone else mine your land!


There are of course various tools that help you mine Trilium and NFTs, and you do need them if you want to mine efficiently!


Avatars are simply your face in Alien Worlds.


You also have your minions.

They are your crew who you send into battle and may have future uses in the metaverse.


And finally you have the weapons that you can equip yourself with or your minions.


Alien Worlds is one of the very few projects that run simultaneously in multiple blockchains. 

In this case Alien Worlds can be found in both the Ethereum and WAX blockchains!


There are four ways you can earn assets in Alien Worlds. 

First is simply by receiving Trilium and/or NFTs from the mining of a land plot.

Second by owning a land plot and get a commission.

Third by stacking Trilium.

And forth by going to war and winning battles against other players.

All four ways are profitable and as always don’t forget that the first ones that join such projects are the ones that get the bigger profits!  


The final thing you should pay attention to is shining!

To simplify it, shining in Alien Worlds is the procedure of burning a number of lower level cards to create a new higher level one.

There are four shining levels: 
Stone → Gold → Stardust → Antimatter.

All cards start with the stone shine and you need four of them plus Trilium to get to the next shine level. 


Shininess is not the same thing as rarity!

Alien Worlds have six different rarity levels:

You can buy NFTs directly from the Federation at the different levels of rarity by participating in the various NFT sales but you cannot buy them pre-made at the different levels of shininess. 

You have to combine — or forge — NFTs together, to create a single NFT with a higher level of shininess.

So go ahead and check this unique project that I believe has a great future! 

More details can of course be found in the Alien Worlds website and if you have any questions please get in touch with the aliens. 

I guarantee you they are extremely friendly! :-)




The aliens have sent us from their Swiss top secret location 3 packs, 2 common cards and 10 abundant cards for this giveaway! 


1x Nordic Warrior (Fire)
1x Confuser


3x Standard Capacitor
2x Standard Drill
2x Standard Issue Axe
2x Standard Shield
1x Grey Peacemaker (Nature)

All you have to do is to:

  1. Follow this blog.
  2. Like this post.
  3. Leave a comment with your WAX address

Visiting the Alien Worlds website and joining their Discord channel is definitely a plus!!! ;-)

Make sure you follow, like and leave your comment by Sunday the 24th of January 2021 at 23:59 CET

Good luck to all of you!

And an interplanetary HUGE THANK YOU to the Aliens of Alien Worlds for their generosity!!!!



Don’t forget to click the follow and like buttons and tip!

You will not only help this blog but you will also ensure that you don’t miss the exciting upcoming posts!

Finally, before saying goodbye, I want to let everyone know that I have no sponsors, this post is not sponsored by anyone whatsoever, so those tips go a long way!

And although it contains a giveaway I would have written the exact same things regardless!

The above reflect my personal views and by no means should be taken as a recommendation to use or not use any service or equipment whatsoever!

Please feel free to make any suggestions or comments especially on what you would like to see next being simplified!

Until the next post….

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


Alien World Links:






Alcor Exchange:


Previous posts:


Chapter 1 The Account:

Chapter 2 The Marketplace:

Chapter 3 CryptomonKeys + Giveaway:

Chapter 4 Pepe + Giveaway:

Chapter 5 Periodic Table Elements + Giveaway:

Chapter 6 TokenHead+ Giveaway:

Chapter 7 Non Custodial WAX Account:

Chapter 8 KOGs + Giveaway:

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