What is Theta Network?

What is Theta Network? Detailed Theta cryptocurrency review

By SimpleSwap | SimpleSwap Blog | 23 Mar 2023

Everyone of us at least once has watched videos on YouTube or streams on Twitch, for instance. But usually such services are centralized – they have leaders and site policies. That means that developers of the platform take most of the credit, and not the creators. Bloggers have to follow the strict rules of these sites by editing, censoring or shortening their video in order for it to be published.

What if there was no administration on the video streaming site, and all participants were equal? That is called decentralization and this is  what Theta blockchain project is about. In this video, we'll discuss what Theta Network is, find out interesting facts about Theta  and Tfuel tokens and explore the project’s pros and cons.

If you want to learn more interesting facts about crypto then don’t forget to check out our blog! You might like our articles “What Is Theta Fuel?” and “THETA Price Prediction”.

The easiest way to buy or exchange coins is to use SimpleSwap services.

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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