long way up Rašica

On a cloudy Saturday morning, it was time for a trail run. Along the left ridge between river Sava and Magpie-s Valley and around the hill towards the top of Rašica. Almost ten kilometers of steady pace running on trails and forest roads with almost 500 meters of climb. After the peak, from the top of Rašica hill tower, there were additional six kilometers of forest road running which was mostly downhill.



When running on this ridge I almost every time remember to say hello to the Šmarna gora hill.



View from the top of the tower ...

... toward north and Grintovci mountain range.



... toward northwest and Julian Alps.

It was warm with a strong wind at the top.

The sky was covered with clouds wh were promising some rain over the weekend. Yet by noon, the clouds dispersed and we welcomed sun rays. There will be heavy rainfall tomorrow evening nevertheless.

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Proof of Run on Strava




This run on Strava | Strava profile


All the physical activity data that I display in my @exhaust and @actifit reports is gathered with the help of Coros Pace sports watch and displayed with Coros app.

Better and better

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Husband, father, dog person, recreational runner, loves to travel, IT pro. Fascinated by old and new, from Oracle to blockchain and everything in between.

Running Adventures of a Streak Runner
Running Adventures of a Streak Runner

What is a 'streak runner', you might ask? It is a person who runs every day. In my case, two miles is a minimum. I've been doing this stunt for 502 days already, since July the 3rd 2019. On that fine day, I decided it's better to run every day and be happy than to run occasionally and be grumpy. YOu are welcome to follow me and my runs. Every day if you wish :)

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