$2500 USD worth Tokens with Morpheus Labs giveaway

By CryptoFallen | Richard_Tom | 21 Mar 2019

QuarkChain is a wonderful blockchain project. Let's do promotional activities for this project to make money.

QuarkChain is a high-throughput blockchain that has recently launched it own testnet and has proved it can achieve millions of TPS.

The Smartdrop campaign will be running from 6th March 2019 to 6th April 2019. Participants can win from $2500 to $25

The detailed breakup of rewards ranking

Top 10 — Receive $2500 USD worth of MITx

11–100 — Receive $1000 USD worth of MITx

101–500 — Receive $250 USD worth of MITx

501–2500 — Receive $50 USD worth of MITx

2501–10000 — Receive $25 USD worth of MITx


You can earn points in these campaigns 

  • Twitter Campaign

  • Content Submission

  • Proof of Alliance Actions

  • Staking MITx and QKC

How to register 

  1. Click the link to register yourself with my referral - Link
  2. Participants MUST verify their emails to be considered.
  3. Only the Top 10,000 participants by points will be eligible to receive tokens.
  4. Participants MUST fill out the Initial Sign-Up Form.
  5. All participants are required to join our Telegram chat to be eligible to receive rewards, https://t.me/morpheuslabs
  6. All rewards will be calculated during the two to three weeks following the end of our SmartDrop program.

    We anticipate the program will run for 4 weeks.

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Axonomy Community Manager and big advocate of great blockchain projects.


Crypto Enthusiast, really into projects that make a difference within the crypto/blockchain space!

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