Something Out Of Nothing - Real Is Tare Quote

Real Talk #1

If you can take the person I'm in a relationship with, please take them.

If you can ruin my friendships with a rumor, do me a favor and please ruin them.

If you can shake anything against me in my life, please do it.

I don't have the time and energy to fight for things that can be turned on me so easily.

If all it takes are a few words or sentences to erase every act of sacrifice, kindness, loyalty, or love, that I invested into the illusion of “us”, I fail to see how I could be expected to continue forgiving, forgetting, and suffering when repeating the same circle of events over and over?

The truth is that If it doesn't bring me peace, fulfillment or love, I didn't have any room for it in my life to begin with, and as much as I may not want to lose that person, I know deep down I have no option other than to let it go before it drags me down.

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Write My Wrongs
Write My Wrongs

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