I hate scammers..

By TrocProcLock | Random Tech News | 21 Feb 2023

Unfortunately for us we live in a world where there are lying cheating assholes. I would be lying if I said I never fell for a scammer but Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. That is something most everyone lives by who has gotten screwed over before.

This post is purely a public service announcement to everyone to be careful. The old saying goes... If it's too good to be true then it probably is.

Exhibit A:


That is a Direct Message I received over on Discord. It was from a account named "Alien Worlds Official". It was stating that I had won a Random Discord Giveaway and I need to claim my prize immediately. 

There are a few things that anyone should pay attention to in situations like this.

1) Did I enter a giveaway?

Even though it says it's random, is it?

2) Do I know the account contacting me?

You can say well it is Alien Worlds Official, but on Discord you can change your name to anything you want so do you know the account?

3) Do the website URL links look safe?

The Claim Here link is a bit.ly link which doesn't necessarily mean it's shady but should raise a few flags. What I personally do is copy the URL link by right clicking on it and copying the URL. Then I open a new private window with TOR in Brave Browser and go to the link.

In this instance it brought me here:


Do you notice anything off with this website?

First thing is the URL itself. AtomicHub's correct address is https://wax.atomichub.io/ and does NOT end in .website. So MASSIVE red flag there and should be a immediate stopping point if you even got this far.

Some secondary red flags are that the Minimum Mint # is Mint #1. Which this NFT has already been in the game for years so they do not have Mint #1 still. Also it is weird that it is a 10 NFT drop and not just a NFT claim link to each person. Red flag after red flag there.

With this information I wanted to let the "person" know that I was onto their BS and this happened.


You see that message from Clyde? That means they are not even apart of the Alien Worlds Discord server haha and they are apparently the Official Discord account. 


Please please please be careful at all times in the crypto space. Even if it isn't for some giveaway you won and you are just going to your normal websites you go to everyday. There are way too many people out there trying to screw us out of our hard earned Crypto. Until there is a way to stop them we are going to have to go the extra mile and be extra cautious. This always happens with new technology and it's not going to stop. 

So as a PSA...

Be careful and be Alert!


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I am a crypto enthusiast and also a crypto noob :) Just trying to learn more each day.

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