$FOREX The stalking of AUDCAD after a +96 pip 2 trade week $FOREX

By RT618 | Probabilities Technician | 14 Sep 2020

Uptrend signs of exhaustion though I want to wait on xing of Ichi Conversion and Base line.
At that point Base line will be above Conversion line.
A retest up near it is where a SHORT trade may be entered.


As before initially setting target and stop way out at 50 pips.
Will use Histogram alerts on the MACD to determine target and stop adjustments.

For now we wait on xing of Ichi Conversion and Base line.

MACD indicator version by Cyatophilum on TradingView has histogram alert capability.

Example shows RED and GREEN markers showing histogram converging and diverging.

Works very well for early alert of possible direction changes, topping and bottoms.


Trading is very risky,
use your own judgment
and have a have a great day friends...

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Probabilities Technician
Probabilities Technician

Using simplified easy to view trading strategies to find actionable trades. Trading is very risky, use your own judgment and have a great day friends...

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