At the end comes the strength

By KiBLS | Poems of the new time | 24 Sep 2019

At the end comes the strength

The end is slowly approaching, 
That's what a faithful scout told me.

Now it suddenly becomes obvious to me; 
It is coming suspiciously close to me.

It is difficult for me to evade him, 
Because it always requires more.

Thoughts have to grasp everything, 
they can' leave time to rest.

The heart becomes warm and heavy, 
until it gasps; I can't anymore.

And yet you feel this strength, 
which gives you a new courage.

You have to do with all your will; 
breast-feed your innermost from the inside.

Then you will see it; 
Your spirit will never pass!

(written by KiBLS)

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Author: KiBLS | Written: ~2009 | Published: 13.03.2019 | German original: Follow soon! | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | e-Book: Poems of the new time

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Poems of the new time
Poems of the new time

This book contains 51 poems and was written between the years 2007 - 2013. It contains my first poetic walking attempts.

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