#NFTs For Good

It's for a good cause.

In the world of crypto, tokens and collectibles tend to have a very VERY small amount of value when compared to the USD (I'm only using the USD because most currencies are pitted in comparison to the USD). That means it is easy to acquire a lot of these little tokens, but it can be hard to ever get them to amount to more than pennies. It can be frustrating to see small amounts here and there doing nothing and not being productive.

Today I found a solution to that problem for me. It actually involved a charity NFT airdrop. 100% of the proceeds for the sale of these NFTs would be going to St. Jude's foundation. I'm not sure if you guys support what they do, but being able to give to an organization has given my crypto earning new meaning.

The focus of the campaign specifically was cancer and all its awful forms. Because of this, the NFTs are giving cancer the big middle finger. It is a bit of an edgier NFT, especially since the hand is skeletal, but I think the message is strong. I had enough funds to be able to buy two of them. They have low mints so maybe they will have some value someday!




I was able to get the funds to buy these NFTs from playing around on the WAX blockchain. A lot of Telegram groups allow you to collect DUST for posting around and engaging in the conversations. DUST is one of those tokens that can be exchanged toward WAX. Within the Alienworlds game itself, you can collect TLM and random NFTs. The TLM may be used in many ways, one of which is converting directly to WAX. Oh, and those NFTs that you got and have duplicates of? You can send those on over to rPlanet.io to earn some Aether each hour. Aether can also be exchanged for WAX.






All these little amounts being consolidated into a single currency makes it far more powerful. Luckily, there are no fees associated with these exchanges. However, you always want to look at the rate at which you are swapping. It's important that you aren't entering something invalid and losing out on your crypto. My go-to exchange for all of this has been Alcor.


I don't know exactly what currency I want to keep all my goodies in. I know WAX would be the most universal, but TLM would allow me to help the monKeys take control of Neri even quicker. I have some decisions to make!

No matter how you choose to use your micro-crypto rewards, just make sure it makes sense for you and that you are getting the best deal you can when exchanging.

Happy Crypto & NFT staking!

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Snarf, but with a hint of #crypto

Personal Finance and Investing
Personal Finance and Investing

I really enjoy talking about personal finance. I like to share my insights with others' as well as learning from others. I also like to share my financial and investing journey with other people.

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