CoinEx offers new users get $20 cashback

CoinEx offers new users get $20 cashback

I hope you have not forgotten about me. Even if it has been a long time since I last posted here. I have been dealing with some personal stuff so I hope you can have some oversight regarding my tardiness. But I thought I would share this with you if you have been looking to try CoinEx.

What you need to do

Well, it is as straightforward as it can be. All you need to do is to click the link here (or down below) or use my ref code: mkfde when you register your account. OR you can use someone else's code. But as far as I can tell you need to use someone's code in order to get the $20 cashback coupon.

The last caveat that you need to know is that it is a limited-time offer that runs from today, September 13, to September 30. The number of vouchers, aka new accounts, is also limited to 4000, so it is a first come first serve policy on their side.

Last but not least, you need to spend $20 in order to be able to use the $20 cashback voucher. 


Just thought I would give you my take on the exchange. They are one of the smaller exchanges. The upside of this is that they list a lot of newer, smaller, crypto projects way faster than the larger exchanges. As an example Kaspa, Kaspa is still not listed on Binance as far as I am aware, they have futures trading for it but no normal trading.

I have also done my support test, meaning contacted the support a few times to see how helpful and fast they are. And so far they have been very fast in getting back to me and been able to help me out with my requests.

But with CoinEx, and exchanges in general, always be safe with your crypto and remember not your keys, not your crypto. This means that it is safer to make transactions in an exchange and move your crypto off of it into your own wallet. Then let it sit in the exchange. 

Last but not least, if you want to try it out or just have a look on the exchange to see what it looks like. I would really appreciate it if you would consider using my fer. link or code. Thank you!     Code: mkfde

If you would like to support me and the content I make, please consider following me, reading my other posts, or why not do both instead. 


See you on the interwebs!



Picture provided by: fair use

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Passive income and earning crypto

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