How to Buy Gold with Karatbars?

In today's article we present you a business dedicated to the commercialization of small gold bars , you will learn how to buy 24 karat pure gold with a purity of 999.9% and ensure your future.

Very good friends, today we present a very interesting business called Karatbars in which we can buy gold  offering us a very  interesting personal savings plan , since the grams of gold do not lose purchasing power , which can also be used as a currency of exchange at the level worldwide , and the possibility of starting an independent business.

Karatbars has the ambition and vision to sell gold to people around the world whether they want it to be physically delivered to them or want it to be stored safely and free of charge. In addition, this company has its own gold mine (Fort Dauphin) worth $ 1.2 billion in Madagascar and with exploitation rights to a mine in Brazil .

Now, I know that many are wondering why invest in gold and what benefits does it have? Well, the answer is simple. Gold is money and money is an exchange rate , therefore gold is accepted in 194 countries (worldwide) , so we are in any country, we can exchange our gold for money. In addition,  without gold there would be no money , because when it began to trade in the world, gold was the currency of exchange, there came a time when gold was deposited in banks and proof was obtained in exchange for receipt for the amount of the deposit made. These were the world's first official bank notes (bills).

Today the world no longer has money whose value is backed by gold. Thus, paper money (fiat paper) is the only exchange rate that has no real value.


It can also be seen that gold is on an upward trend since in 2019, this precious metal increased by 17% in just 10 months, so we are at a great time to start investing in physical gold. for our future and that of our generations.

Note: In 1920 1kg of gold had a value of € 585 . In 2020 1kg of gold has an approximate value of € 47,000 . Is it worth investing in gold?



Karatbars: Features Gold bars free icon

Assessment: starstarstarstarstar

Platform type:  Sale and storage of gold.

Language:  Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, among others.

Countries that can receive gold: All except Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, China, India, Israel, Russia, Pakistan, Belarus, Dominica, Ethiopia, Kuwait.

Countries that can store gold: All.

Products:  Business packages, Small gold bars embedded in Cards and Bills (Cashgold) , Mobile phones and Computers with a fine gold plating, etc. Additionally, Karatbars owns its own gold-backed cryptocurrency (KBC) , among many other things.

Means to buy:    

Compensation plan:  Yes See >> .

Payment of commissions: Gold, Euros and Cryptocurrencies. The company deposits the Dual System commissions every Friday and once a month (the first days) the Unilevel Plan commissions.

Withdrawal of commissions: Master Card (requested within the platform) , Bitcoin (through Karatbit) .

Withdrawals starting at: € 15 per card, € 50 per bitcoin.

KYC: Yes. Important to verify our account otherwise we cannot make purchases among other things.


↓ Register Now at Karatbars ↓



Karatbars: Company Information Gold bars free icon

Karatbars International is a German company that was founded in 2011 . As we have previously mentioned, the company specializes in the sale of small gold bars, gold gift items, exclusive cards with 999.9% grams of pure gold, merchandise and collectibles.

The headquarters and logistics center of Karatbars International GmbH are located at Vaihinger Straße 149A 70567 Stuttgart (Germany),  CIF HRB739615 . This is responsible for support, marketing, communication with customers and partners, design, orders and shipping. It is also where the expansion planning to new markets is coordinated. In addition, it also coordinates the opening of new countries around Europe.


Gold shipments, in small quantities, are packaged under video surveillance at Karatbars International headquarters   and shipped via  FedEx (Shipping Company)  daily worldwide.

Corporate Offices: Germany, United States, Spain, Slovenia, Thailand, Colombia, Czech Republic, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong.

On the other hand,  “Atasay” (Turkey)  is the company that produces and supplies the one gram gold bars of the “ATAKULCHE” brand . This company has been included in the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) , with the “Good Delivery” seal since 05/07/2010, which guarantees the stability of production and supplies.

In addition, Karatbars and more recently, has partnered with Germany's best gold producer, "Degussa" and with "Nadir Metal" , which together with Atasay, are the best producers in Turkey.

Update: Karatbars currently continues to work only with Degussa and Nadir Metal.


Regarding the Founder and President of Karatbars we have Mr.  Harald Seiz , a German businessman who created his fortune in the world of direct sales since the 1980s. In those years, Senator Harald Seiz worked as an independent provider of financial services, sector in which he achieved great success.

In the mid-1990s, he made more than $ 60 million in sales with his own company.

In 2015 Mr. Harald Seiz, CEO and founder of Karatbars International was appointed senator by the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (BWA).

Harald Seiz's objective is to develop innovations in monetary policy, together with national and foreign politicians.

Senator Harald Seiz's words:

“My mission is to produce the highest quality gold available on the market that is easily accessible to the masses of honest people around the world at a price that everyone can afford. My goal is for Karatbars to help millions of people find financial freedom from the current debt system in which we live.

I am convinced that we can make a difference, "says Mr Harald Seiz," because a debt-free currency is within our grasp, but we can only achieve change if we take joint action.

The Karatbars International company is already working on it; 24K gold is the oldest currency in the world.

We want to set an example and show the world that it is possible to introduce debt-free means of payment. With the help of politics and the general public we have a great opportunity to offer a better life to people around the world. ”



Karatbars: Registration and KYC Gold bars free icon

To create an account in Karatbars, you just have to click on the banners that we left in this article and it will take you directly to the platform to create your registration. They will have 2 options to create their account, either as affiliates or as customers.

Account as an affiliate: If you become a Karatbars affiliate, you will be able to buy and store gold but also, you will be able to earn commissions by recommending Karatbars products to other people. (Recommended) .

Account as a client: If you become a client of Karatbars, you will be able to buy and store gold, but you will not be able to earn commissions by recommending the business.

Once you are clear about the type of account you want to create, simply click on that option and complete all the information requested such as your username, email, password, etc. Then they will ask you for personal information such as your name, address, city, country, etc.

Important: Complete all the data with your real information since you will have to verify your account using the KYC method (upload documents) . If the data you upload does not match your registration, they will not verify your account. Above all, remember to place your address details well in case you request a product shipment .


Verify KYC: To verify our identity we must go from the platform to the top menu Profile >> KYC . We will have to upload a Selfie where we see ourselves clearly holding our identity document which can be our ID, Driver's License or Passport. We also have to upload a proof of address such as a service invoice, telephone bill or bank statement (no more than 6 months) .



Karatbars: How to Buy Gold Gold bars free icon

Once we have our account verified through the KYC method, we can already buy gold in Karatbars through all the products they provide us and in that way we can start saving for our future . For that we will go to the top menu by clicking on "Buy Products" . It will take us directly to the section with the classic Karatbars products.

Among all the products you have to buy, we recommend the CashGold, which are tickets and cards with gold embedded with different grams. You can find these in Menu >> Buy Products >> Gold Products >> Cashgold .

Note:  The prices that appear in each product do not include the shipping cost, so you can only store it in the vaults of the Karatbars company (storage is free, then you can request shipping if you like) . If you want to obtain the product in physical, you will have to pay the shipping cost.

Then you just have to choose the amount of grams of gold to buy  and add it to the shopping cart . Then click on "View cart" .

Then you have to put the Cashgold number you want to buy and click on the option to pay .

We accept the rules, the terms and click Next.

Later we will have an option to place discount coupons. If you don't have one, just skip this step by clicking Next.

Here we recommend reading the information that appears in the light blue box, which is very important.

Finally we choose the payment method to pay our cashgold and click on "Pay Now" .

It will take you to the section for you to put your bank details or your card depending on the option you have chosen and ready, you had already made the purchase of your first Cashgold.

Important: Everything you have bought in gold can be seen reflected on the platform from the Menu >> My gold >> Account Summary . If you later want to request that gold you will have to pay the shipping costs. For that you must go from the menu to My gold >> Request shipping and follow the same steps above

In summary, if you only registered as a customer, you can start saving in gold by purchasing different products offered by the Karatbars company. Remember that this gold in the future will be worth more than what it currently costs. Now, if in addition to being able to buy gold, you want to start the Karatbars business earning commissions for presenting the opportunity to other people, we recommend that you register as an affiliate and purchase the business packages, which is what we will see below.



Karatbars: Business Packages Gold bars free icon

If you are going to start your own business with Karatbars, we recommend you get a business package which will give you some benefits that we will already discuss. We can find the  Multi Packages business packages (digital packages) . To acquire one of these you just have to go to Menu >> Purchase of Products >> Business Packages. 


There are  7 types of Multi Package  in which you can find benefits such as:

  • E-Points can be exchanged for technological products (Mobile, Laptop, ATM) .
  • Digital cards.
  • Promotional digital vouchers.
  • A position to the Dual System of the Compensation Plan (from package 2) .
  • Increase in the Unilevel System .
  • You will receive Cashgold, etc.

Note: We recommend registering as soon as possible in Karatbars as Affiliates for free since all the referrals that we get in Defeat the Crisis will fall into the Dual System and we will fill in one leg. 

Apart from the Multipack packages we have the usual basic packages such as Bronze, Silver, Gold and VIP that have recently been digital and come with classic gold, discount cards, digital dossiers and 0.1g cashgold .



Karatbars: Activate Gold Savings Plan Gold bars free icon

Karatbars has a very interesting section where we can make weekly, biweekly or monthly savings in gold . For that, from the menu we will go to Buy Products >> Automatic Purchases . Then we only choose how often we will make a purchase, we select the amount of money (euros) that we are willing to spend on gold that is from € 50 and we select the payment methods. We can also save with 1gr, 2.5gr and 5gr cards.

The available payment methods are by MasterCard / Visa card or Bank transfer. The Karatbars MarterCard cannot be used as it is a prepaid card.

Note:  The day of purchase as the amount of money to buy are modifiable . You can also cancel this automatic payment system whenever you want. Another important fact is that when you have 100 grams of gold stored, you can send them to your house totally free .



Karatbars: Others Gold bars free icon


Karatbars card



Karatgold (KBC)










K-Exchange Center









IMpulse K1




WHIM Laptop






Karatbars: Conclusion Gold bars free icon


Karatbars International seems like a good opportunity to start securing our future by investing in gold . We already know that each year money is worth less and the prices of goods and services continue to rise, making it necessary to save in gold, which is not affected by inflation since it has a safe value .


On the other hand, it can be a good opportunity not only to invest in gold but also in the Karatbars cryptocurrency called Karatgold (KBC) , since as we mentioned previously, this is the only cryptocurrency backed by gold and surely the most important cryptocurrencies soon. they will also want to do it.

Physical stores in Germany will soon be available for sale and support of all exclusive products and services. In addition, CEM ATMs are being sent all over the world so that people can have their physical cashgold.

Finally, a curious fact, you will surely be informed about the new virus that is affecting people in China called Coronavirus . Well, because of this gold has had a new rise, don't you think ?, Well, check the following image.

Karatbars How to Buy Gold


Well folks, that's it for How to Buy Gold with Karatbars . You already know that any questions, queries or important information regarding Karatbars can be left in the comments. A greeting.


↓ Register Now at Karatbars ↓


How to Buy Gold with Karatbars

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