In this press conference, Donald Trump was observed throwing shade at Pablo Smogtopia, like he's not even aware it's a real country. He probably doesn't even admit to attending the state dinner at the purple bouncy castle in 2019, where the Pablo Accords were drafted with the president of America's Pants, a.k.a. Mexico. Canada's Pants, a.k.a. the USA was busy shopping for socks for Justin Trudeau in a state of confused sartorial diversity, and couldn't attend. Whatever the case, the Pablo Accords clearly state that Jesuit trolls will not be allowed to promote a globalist agenda within the sovereign territory of Pablo Smogtopia, which encompasses like, most of North America. People always be underestimatin' the Pablo Smogtopian special forces, like they're not even real. If Ukraine is a meatgrinder, Pablo Smogtopia is a cotton candy machine. If you want your soldiers spun into a cone of purple sugar of death, citizens of Pablo Smogtopia's Hat, proceed.
This is the only accurate map of the region around the Gulf of Pablosmogtopia I could find. Nevermind that the whole thing looks like a witch with an ugly nose, hellbent on eating Cuba. That's just too crazy. The surreal, unbearable nonsense of normal life will have to suffice.
Is Trump a Jesuit puppet, promoting a New Global World Order with his Baphomet-obsessed, mark-of-the-beast, fake free speech "X" friend? I've never seen a picture of Elon Musk in which he looked even remotely intelligent, nevermind brilliant. He's like a male cheerleader who drank too much ginseng before showtime. The famous photo of Einstein sticking out his tongue was an anomaly, not a template. Einstein was engaged a moment of irreverent genius, not practicing his cheerleading moves. There's a difference.
Whatever the case, I have it on good faith that the citizens of Pablo Smogtopia aren't going to take the Jesuit, globalist affront to their sovereignty lightly. Never underestimate your opponent, Elon Musk.
Even if he does live in a purple bouncy castle at the bottom of the sea.