Hello everyone and welcome to my first article away from Splinterlands, I have chosen to put some LTC into LiteBringer and I have been playing it on and off for the last few days. Anyone interested can check out the game HERE
My first impression on this game was the art, which reminded me of Heroes of Might and Magic with some LTC added and I have always been a fan of RPG games (anyone else looking forward to the Badur's Gate 3 release?) so this was right up my alley. Installing the game was pretty straight forward and setup/keys part is also easy to follow if you are used to playing Blockchain games. I also decided to put 0.025 LTC in so that I can get a little ahead on the initial grindy stages and see how the boss fights work out, this took around 1 hour for setup to money available but I do tend to be multi-tasking permanently so I could just have lost track of time.
Character Creation
This will be your first step to playing and the miner fee for creating the character is as small as the quest fee's, I chose to go with the Sorceress as my main class and they are usually known to be off to a slow start but becoming immensely powerful later on in games. I also added the other two classes afterwards when I saw there was a bit of grinding in my future, lots of elements must be gathered.
after you have chosen the name and sex of your character and it will be available on the main screen so that you can choose whether you want to go on a quest directly, there are also character and inventory screens but those only get relevant once you get items. When you get into the quest screen you will have to pay a subscription fee to be able to go on quests and it works out to 2 lights per approximately 30 days (I chose to put 60d on my main and then 30d on my sub classes), you will also have to pay a small miner fee but this is really tiny.
As you progress you will find items and elements from opponents which will be level dependant as you start, Green rings are safe and Red is a no-go. When you have received your first items, then you will get to the Inventory screen to equip items relevant to your character. To the right you will see which items are equipped and to the left you will see items that your character can wear.
I am trying to set up full elemental sets but that will take some time to get together, I therefore decided to farm some XP with my main and gather with the two subs. They all have different equipment with different types and higher levels, there are 8 different elements to take into consideration too and opponent elements can limit your effective power.
Hint: Creatures that drop elements initially drop less XP than ones dropping items or nothing at all.
You can replay battles for the elements and items and there is also a small chance that you will be able to get some high tier loot, I am currently farming full tilt and I will keep everyone following up to date as I go along, as usual I will do the Checks & Balances for in-game profits and losses. My first hurdle seems to be this fellow
My main is now almost on 600 power so there is quite a way to go before I can change that into a green ring of success, this is also the first match that shows how much grinding there is to do out there. I am also going to build my first elements into my main inventory so that I have full effective power in the match and that will help me see how the elements interact.
Lets leave this here for now and if you would like to see how my journey goes then sub and I will see you on another page
OMG - Old Man Gamer