
By Olawalium | Olawalium | 18 Aug 2024


Waiting is one thing most people don't like to do. We live in a time where we want something and we want it now. Waiting builds strength and patience and there are some things that are worth waiting for.

We have seen a lot of examples in the Bible with those who waited for God to come through for them without going through shortcuts no matter how painstakingly it was.

We sometimes feel we are waiting on God but in thr real sense, God is the one waiting for us especially when there is a part we need to take or an instruction that has previously been given for us to act on. God will always send His rain but we still need to prepare our field. There is always a part we should take in the grand scheme of things...a step we need to take...an instruction we need to adhere to.

Sometimes God keeps you in a place to protect you. God is always with a reason and waiting is a sign of faith too. When you have faith, you will wait...because at the end of the waiting time, there is joy...joy that supercede the pain of the waiting time.

The joy at the end overrides the down moments of the waiting period to make it look like you never waited which is why most people are always drawn to results of others. They see how glorious or glamorous things are forgetting the pain those people must have gone through during their waiting period. A lot of people want to relate to the glory without understanding the story of what led to that glory.

Process is important and there are a lot of lessons with character building that comes with waiting. Most people want to skip the process and go straight without waiting. Often times, it does more hard than good as what they get without due process hardly last or they blow it away. Sometimes when you know how long you waited to have what you finally have, you will appreciate it more.

Process is a journey and waiting is linked to process because as you are going through what you are going through, there comes a time you need to wait it out...act in faith and then a time when you need to act. One of the greatest act of faith we can demonstrate is to wait on the Lord...trusting Him through the process and acting when we need to. Remember, keep calling on God, but don't forget to row to the shore because God will always send the rain but no one will till your field for you. There is wisdom in knowing when to wait and when to move.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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Writer. Motivational speaker. Farmer. Relationship coach. God lover.


God's son. Giver. Motivational Speaker. Relationship coach. Writer. Poet. Football lover...

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