New Noft Games Modes Explained - August 2022 | Noft Games Blog

By Noft Games | Noft Games | 5 Sep 2022

Today, we’re introducing to you our latest accomplishments in game development on the front end. 

Updated User Interface 

The Noft Games team is striving to give you the best user interface design, nice and simple UI elements, and a better gaming experience. So we kick it off with another lobby update!


What’s new inside your Lobby: 

1️⃣ before you start kicking assess, choose the battle mode 

2️⃣ battles are not displayed in lobby, instead, enter the battle via pop-ups

New Battle Modes 

As of today, we have four Battle Modes:

1️⃣ Ultimate. Major deathmatch. 

  • ✔️ Pay a fixed entry fee 
  • ✔️ Win to earn BNB

2️⃣ Events. Regular scheduled battles.

  • ✔️ Earn experience and small BNB rewards
  • ✔️ Gas fee required

3️⃣ Practice. Coming soon! 

  • ✔️ Playtest the game and different strategies risk-free
  • ✔️ Prepare your Noft for real clashes 

4️⃣ Blitz. Off-chain battle.   

  • ✔️ Join instant battles
  • ✔️ Get EXP points 


Now, let’s take a quick look at the Blitz Mode 👇 

Meet BLITZ Mode

Blitz mode is an instant free-to-play battle with players of a similar level, ready to play within 15 seconds. 


We’re introducing Blitz to enable everybody to test and feel the gameplay, without any barrier to entry. Blitz Battles give you EXP points that you can use to upgrade your Nofts. One thing to note is that a single Noft is only allowed to enter three Blitz matches a day. 


Make sure to go check new battling options on our website and let us know if you enjoy it! 




There's more to come! Follow the announcements on Discord and Twitter

Check our roadmap to see what else is coming!

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Noft Games
Noft Games

This competitive game lets you get characters, fight exciting battles, and improve your Noft character. Fantastic creatures named Nofts have been isolated on a spaceship and fight among themselves to survive.

Noft Games
Noft Games

Battle Royale Game on Binance Smart Chain! This competitive game lets you get characters, fight exciting battles, and improve your Noft character.

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