By nicomed11 | nicoxxweb | 5 Dec 2020




I bring you a new currency called DXHUB, this currency is made for digital payments through a dapp.

Token Name: dxHub Coin
Blockchain: Waves
Total supply: 1,500,000
Listing: Waves Exchange (https://waves.exchange/)
Listing on top exchanges: Yobit, Kraken, Bitmart, OKex.

Pre-Sale (30 Nov 2020 - 18 Dec 2020)
15,000 dxHub Coin - Price: 11 USDT

Public Sale:

Round 1 (20 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2020):
7,000 dxHub Coin - Price: 20 USDT

Round 2 (1 Jan 2021 - 15 Jan 2021) :
3,000 dxHub Coin - Price: 45 USDT

Trading pairs: BTC, ETH, Waves, USDT, USDN

You can sell coins at any time. But you can sell profitably on December 18 after listing in TOP exchanges at a price of 20 USDT or 45 USDT after Public Sale.

After the release of dexHub dApp v 0.1, we are planing to list in at least two TOP exchanges, a 90% chance that one exchange is Yobit.

🔹After the listing, investors are expected to enter, this will give a large pump of dxHub coins (~ 45-50 USDT).

🔹Also, all excess coins will be burned and about 500,000 coins left on the market. This will give additional demand for the coins and the price will stick to ~ 50 USDT 

Currently there is an airdrop in progress for which they give us 21dxhub per registration and 15 dxhub per referral, I will leave the link for those interested about the project, others in their networks are very active and putting new information every day.

LINK AIRDROP: https://t.me/dxHubAirdropBot?start=995089671 

Next I will leave a table where is the information to hold the currency in the waves exchange and I will also leave the link of the waves exchange.



LINK WAVES EXCHANGE: https://waves.exchange/

To end the airdrop is delivered 5 days after registration so take advantage of it now!

Thank you for your visit and until next time.

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