
2nd Gold legendary + NFD Roller coin / Cannabis NFT updates. NFT airdrop 2nd of 3

By Chubbie149 | NFTs of Hive | 29 Jan 2022


Why I like WAX is the almost endless level of customization developers may add to both their NFT colection & if they so choose games as well. NFTs have their true home on WAX easily accessed by anyone & with limited blockchain skills no less.

Though WAX is easily accessed developers on WAX have struggled with implementing social sites & Defi options.

HIVE actually is the inverse more secure but a pain to access for the first time. HIVE has their blogging & crypto game on point but developing NFTs & games is a time consuming argues process by comparison.

This is being fixed by both Blockchains each striving to make up where they lack its truly something to behold.

For starters lets look at WAX & its brand new DeFi site DeFi Box.
WAX users prior to DeFi Box had very limited selection when it came to alt token exchanges or liquidity pools.
Mostly just Alcor was the choice before with liquidity pools being facilitated through both Bludac & Alcor.
Since they where the first Bludac was a nightmare to use I dont recommend trying.
Enter DeFi Box the answer to the question WTF WAX DeFi. DeFi Box has its own WAX alt BOX which is mined by providing liquidity different pairings mine at different rates.
While all token pairings are not yet listed this is a more then decent start.
I'm already mining took 5 minutes to set up just sign in with your WAX wallet select pairing & provide liquidity through DeFi Box.
This took $6 and a day so check out DeFi box for WAX trading & providing liquidity.
DeFi Box has been added to the WAX cloud Wallet Dapps like WAX labs Seal of approval.
No WAX blogs yet something truly lacking on the WAX blockchain however they are making improvements to DeFi & user interaction both are great signs.

Now lets talk WAXs Best frenemy HIVE.

Why always the fighting?

Not so much fighting as a hefty workload to portal NFT colection to & from WAX / HIVE is a big ask. Besides NFTs where not HIVEs focus & they are currently beginning to incorporate them more as time goes on.

Not that I can say for sure but it seems to me HIVE was more community focused originally focusing more on the social interaction aspect IE blogs. Since its on blockchain modifying these blogs from the original version gets a little complex requiring system resources by way of HP.

That's important to understand as in recent months HIVE tribes that can get the necessary resources have upgraded to a version with NFT galleries & markets.
This is an important step as due to NFTs getting intertwined with social media + NFT airdrops being all over discord & twitter.

Blockchain blogs need NFTs to stay relevant HIVE implementing these while simplistic are still NFT markets for certain front ends.
I'm a whitelisted NFT producer on Palnet & Weedcash so I understand these NFTs & their limitations.
Though limited when used creatively you can see merit for them mechanisms such as give away events for ownership raffles & the like.

Furthering HIVE NFTs even more so you have the break out hit HIVE punks.
Or even HIVE folks
These systems function similar to crypto kitties which is an impressive milestone. You cant count Splinterlands as Starting on HIVE as they began their project while HIVE & Splinterlands where still on steem.
Any way the fact HIVE has done so much in the way of NFTs is nothing short of miraculous, but since its in its infancy HIVEs NFTS lack accessibility & functionality.

Its not all green pastures at WAX either as major changes as appose to making another NFT project but instead starting a project that effects WAX blockchains core functionality. Like say a WAX based blog for instance would require Governance based votes. This means you need to utilize the ETH based WAXE & WAXG this is pricey tedious & time consuming.
Just act the part 😅

Splinterlands is such a success story because it utilizes both blockchains WAX is a fantastic distribution & thus advertising medium. While HIVE allows for their games agency through Governance more readily accessible.

This is why HIVE & WAX should cooperate more they have what the other lacks. Could be just surface level like a NFT portal or WAX blog on HIVE.

NFD Non Fung Drugs

A drug themed play to earn on WAX that sees the users titular crew produce drugs in game via a 3d Printer NFT.
I recently got to 100% on a Nepal Polm - 1 MD something I produced for the first time in game.
Turns out I'm producing NFTs with my 3d printer in game & these NFTs can themselves be combined or staked.
As you generate more & more you blend the bronze to get silver worth more WAX you can also blend the silver ones to get to gold then gold to diamond each rarity increasing value & staking revenue.
A Sci-Fi Futuristic organized crime themed NFT drug producing play to earn game on WAX.


Utilizing these & a pass NFT I can produce a % of the Bubble Ice / Nepal Polm Bronze NFD NFT.
Staking those grants users a weekly payout of NFD WAX alts & as I covered you can blend them.
Thus far they have production & staking its fairly involved for a drug themed play to earn especially

Splinterlands Raining Gold

You wont believe this but 12 Chaos legion packs after I got my first gold legendary Chaos legion card I got my second.
My last post literally was about getting my first here we are again.
Got to love it this is why I say it almost to much dont open a pack without potions.
5 of each on every pack I wont open a pack without them.
That's roughly how I turned just over $80 into just under $200 Splinterlands packs & potions.
We are fast approaching a new card in the chaos legion packs at the time of writing.

Splinterlands RNG gods must like me as this is legendary gold car number 9 I have found. Cant wait for the new card!!!

How does someone on a budget pay for all this?

This post 👇 has a good amount of earning tips & tricks.

Secondly I bounce funds from HIVE to WAX & take advantage of market fluctuation.
See if you sell a Chaos pack for $3.60 worth of WAX while the WAX price is down then wait for it to rally.
You effectively go from making 9 WAX a pack to 12 WAX a pack which when the market goes beck up amounts to around $0.90 profit from just selling packs at the right time.
Splinterlands is a Card Video game, However due to it being on blockchain its much more then an average video game.

Because of that there are options & economic systems at play that inherently make expenses anything but simplistic.

Above is the Splinterlands announcement about the 7th airdropped card.
Above is my WAX account on Atomic Hub I was able to generate this much money through biding my time, understanding the market, & choosing my moment carefully.

My journey to this point all started with HIVE & Splinterlands a little over a year ago. If you want to start playing Splinterlands please consider using my referral link below.
It costs $10 for a spell book needed to cash out or own the NFTs in game, an expense more then worth it in my opinion.

Roller coin hits 2 million miners

Roller coin the game / mining simulator is giving away 250 roller family mining rigs.

A Roller Family Mining Rig is very powerful clocking in with a Mining power of 800 GHS this is worth trying to get a free one.
Since Roller coin started its Seasonal challenges & giving away mining rigs to players a little over 100 days ago it has become highly profitable.

If you tried roller coin say a year ago you have no clue its a whole different beast now.

Now if you have never tried roller coin before you play flash games to get Hash power to mine real crypto. These same flash games now have a chance of dropping in game mining rigs which may also be purchased or earned via seasonal challenges.

In game Mining Rigs are permanent mining power for your account. Mining power allows you to mine via their simulated mining 8 different cryptocurrencies.

The forms of mineable crypto include RLT, BTC, ETH, BSC, BUSD, USDT, MATIC, & DOGE.

If new to or just forgot your old account to roller coin please consider using my referral link below.

Bud & Blockchain

When I started getting into the NFT market a little over a year ago I had a simplistic goal to see cannabis NFT projects thrive.
Happy to say the markets tone is shifting from one of hatred & arrogance to one of acceptance.
Weather its Hash Kings on HIVE or Non Fung Drugs (NFD) on WAX their are now even games featured on my two favorite blockchains based around BUD.

That's great to see the business behemoths of cannabis & gaming working together on blockchain.

Now I have a few leads for you to look into.
Hash Kings plans to soon intro automated assistants in game making the task of growing watering & harvesting plants automated.
Also assistant production factories new NFTs we can be expecting in Hash Kings Soon literally will change the game so now's the time to stock up & start playing.
In other Bud Blockchain news on WAX Skunky Chunks is a new NFT colection doing shockingly well.

Sporting a burn blend use case & limited production numbers its off to a good start & something you may want to check out.

If Blockchain & bud Crypto + cannabis are topics that interest you dont forget to check out Weedcash.
Either blog about cannabis or support others posts that do or even swing by the Weedcash NFTs.
I am a white listed NFT producer there releasing limited minting's of my colection Toking Tokens regularly.
My NFTs never exceed 5 WEED other then first editions which cost 10. Limited to 31 minting's each I do this to give users the best chance of resale.

I do this not for me but for Weedcash trying to ensure the health of the NFT market there so please check it out is marijuana interests you.

WAX NFT Airdrop instructions

WAX NFT airdrops via URL I give out 12 NFTs with every post first on HIVE then PublishOx Finally Torum you will find the 3 airdrops easiest through HIVE I leave PublishOx & Torum links in the comments of the HIVE post.

Easy as 1 2 3


I keep everything random giving you the best odds all 3 are airdropped on the same day in the order specified at random.

You may join all three through these links

Bonus drop

This airdrop donated by cflclosers includes a single NFT on both the HIVE & PublishOx posts.
This will be the bonus airdrop NFT on both posts , known as a
Permanent Giveaway Pass from alien ships. It entitles you to check on the alien ships discord weekly to see if this pass is the NFT give away winner.


Alien ships is also free to play & claiming the pass or using it costs nothing. If you wouldn't mind you may use my referral link to get to their site & sign in.

WAX NFT airdrop 2nd of 3




All 3 airdrops contain the same including a Splinterlands Chaos legion pack.


You can find my over 1900 NFTS on WAX here

My twitter

I try to post all airdrop links on twitter as well as HIVE if you want to help support future airdrops Re-blog
upvote subscribe please it really helps.

All my accounts below are monetized & I appreciate Crypto or NFT donations on the following


All donations go toward making airdrops bigger & better Thank you all your support keeps all this going.


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chubb149 from HIVE white listed Weedcash NFT producer & WAX NFT vendor every post comes with an NFT airdrop

NFTs of Hive
NFTs of Hive

a blog about my NFT Exploits and assets on Hive

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