Ramadan: Month Of Meditation And Detox

Hello everyone 


Today I will introduce you to a beautiful occasion that we Muslims celebrate, which is Ramadan.
The month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the Hijri calendar (i.e lunar calendar ) , and it is a special month for Muslims in which the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, prayer and peace be upon him, literally, it means fasting , but morally, it's worshiping God by abstaining from eating and drinking, and all physical and moral things that break the fast, from sunrise to sunset.

Every Muslim is summoned to fast Ramadan except children, sick people and dotards who are justly exempt . 


At the rendezvous point, like every year, the month of Ramadan returns with its rituals, tastes and spirituality, a month of fasting, penance, meditation and sharing.

It is a daily encounter with God to renew our faith, to implore His mercy and to restore our relationship with him that has been taken away from the pleasures of  life.


 Ramadan is not only the fourth pillar of Islam, but also a means of almsgiving, benevolence between the poor and the rich, an occasion to remind the rich that they have an obligation towards those in need. This precept strengthens solidarity, patience and faith. Besides, it is a month in which love, brotherhood and peace are reinforced not only in our hearts, but also towards other people through cultivating the giving and sharing culture. 


In addition, Ramadan is an effective remedy for many diseases and a divine cure allowing our body to regenerate new healthy cells and fight off the bad ones , giving the body and the brain a break to rebalance its system. It is, in fact, a mode of life and a detox that even non Muslims begin to follow for the sake of their health. 


Moreover, Ramadan is a change that dispels the monotony of the whole year, through spirituality, blessings full of joy, health and well-being, and most of all it's an occasion for a variety of delicious foods special dishes and sweets which are made specifically for this sacred month, it is also the most important time for the family gatherings around the table during the" iftar", meaning breaking the fasting and taking the breakfast as soon as the "muaddin" or the caller for "Maghreb" or sunset prayer is announced, and a privileged time to unite with all our siblings and neighbors. 


Fasting is a duty to expand the mind, strengthens the will, removes the cause of fear and raise its owner to the highest rank. This makes a person big in his own eyes and everything else seems smaller regarding the main core of living . Fasting is a state of spiritual exaltation that can only be achieved by those who meditate on divine wisdom.


To conclude , Ramadan is the most beautiful month of the year, for Muslims, which is always eagerly awaited enthusiastically and with joy , because it has a specific atmosphere and a dimensional significance that lies in sharing , piety, love and sense of humanity. Happy Ramadan. 



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